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Cock ring or no cock ring???

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Started by #33401 at 24,Oct,09 15:41
Do guys/girls like a cock rock hard aided by a cock ring or do they prefer the natural look?

Similar topics: 1.Cock ring   2.Shall i get a cock ring?   3.cock ring or not   4. "Three Ring Circus" cock ring.   5.Condoms with steel cock rings?  

New Comment

By #652316 at 17,Oct,21 08:54
I had my lifetime probs to keep an erection. Cockrings were the solution for me. I like a cockring very much. Donut-CR I barely take it off. Triple-CR makes a hammer hard erection which I like temporarily, but I can't wear it for long time.

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By #632377 at 23,Aug,21 05:09
The other night is the first time I have ever been so comfortable being sexual and watching porn that I fell asleep with my rubber cock ring on.

I had always read about you can't leave it on, you could have permanent damage, etc.

I think I am transitioning to a career in porn. I can fuck for hours without cumming. There are girls still (few of them but) that make me shoot cumshots within minutes, but porn today is much different to the "glory days" when I was younger.

Hot to share this.
By spermkiss at 23,Aug,21 15:58 other posts of spermkiss 
Fear not. I've worn my cock ring pretty much 24/7/365 for more than fifteen years now with no ill effects what-so-ever. I even have worn it to medical appointments (even with a urologist!) and no doctor has so much as commented on it, much less advised me that it was harmful.

Now I'm gonna kinda sorta retract what I said about no ill effects. Both the rubber and the metal ones have caused my skin to break out. Even ones that claim to be surgical steel. So I use a c-h-ild size jade bracelet. This has the added advantage of not setting off the metal detector in airport security lines.

By #649624 at 23,Aug,21 01:34

By #543717 at 06,May,21 03:52
I love to wear my cockring and my penis ring:

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By #641797 at 05,May,21 18:48
Double cock rings. Can't wait to try them on my gf.

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By newwt10 at 17,Sep,20 20:25 other posts of newwt10 
Cum and take a ride

By #526977 at 01,Jul,20 10:19
I enjoy wearing a cockring...especially in a sauna or steam room! /pic_of_month.php?id=9105

By #566722 at 15,Sep,18 13:45
I enjoy wearing cockring when I edge.

By #549950 at 09,Feb,18 01:11
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 26 seconds

Man’s jewelry 😁

By #550094 at 08,Feb,18 22:34
I make my own from black pantyhose legs; they're snug
but not too tight, so they stretch with my girth
while keeping me hard.
I wrap 'em 2X around my cock-base behind my balls.
I always wear 'em for sex and solo JO sessions.
Makes my cock feel rigid whenever I edge with lube!

By #549503 at 30,Jan,18 16:39
I love cock rings, straps and all sorts of cock toys. So, maybe I just like playing with my cock.

By DarkMax at 29,Jan,18 22:04 other posts of DarkMax 
I love to use it

By #491232 at 27,Jan,18 10:57
URL=//][/URL] here!

By #542344 at 27,Jan,18 05:00
[deleted image]

I kinda like them.

By #522791 at 27,Jan,18 03:55
Hmm I have 2

By #491232 at 27,Jan,18 03:15
URL=//][/URL] cock ring

By #531019 at 16,Jan,18 06:48
I love mine!

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By #543717 at 15,Jan,18 07:38

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By #311947 at 27,Nov,17 21:28
I wear them once in a while. I just like how they look and feel.

By #539358 at 27,Nov,17 20:47
I don't mind occasionally, makes my bellend rock hard and throbbing though

By 2nice at 27,Nov,17 19:10 other posts of 2nice 

By 2nice at 27,Nov,17 19:10 other posts of 2nice 

By #463848 at 27,Nov,17 13:28
Natural - I don't like adornments

By HardAtWork at 27,Nov,17 02:02 other posts of HardAtWork 
I just recently tried putting some rings on my cock... felt pretty good...

By #194437 at 26,Nov,17 16:05
I like rings

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By #516354 at 23,Nov,17 03:14
Love to wear mine now and then.

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By kebmo at 22,Nov,17 22:28 other posts of kebmo 
I have never seen one on a guy in person. No guy ever wore one while visiting me. I think I'll buy myself one for Christmas... because I KNOW my family won't!

By Texas_Born29 at 03,May,16 05:02 other posts of Texas_Born29 
I like mine but only use one sometimes.

By kebmo at 22,Nov,17 22:24 other posts of kebmo 
You should come to my place and show me how it works!

By DeepThroatThis at 22,Nov,17 18:28 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
they need for cock pills. Get hard and stay hard [deleted image]

By #423426 at 22,Nov,17 16:44
Certainly not every time, but they're great if you maybe need a little assistance, or as in this case, just to show off. [deleted image]

By #463848 at 22,Nov,17 16:19
I do not like artificial things like cock rings/inserts metal piercings etc anywhere near my dick and I would not relate to a guy who did.

By #220845 at 16,Sep,17 00:44

By inwood at 14,Sep,17 01:12 other posts of inwood 
none! I used to have a couple for special occasions but they can destroy erectile tissue. don't use them if you love your dick as much as I love mine!

By #541419 at 12,Sep,17 14:39
I feel that a cockring beautifully shapes cock and balls even if my cock is flaccid:

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By jazdragon61 at 31,Jul,17 23:36 other posts of jazdragon61 
gets me so fucking hard and horny

By #511804 at 02,May,16 23:50
I have not had much luck when I use one. Maybe I need some type that is tight. I do not like leather or steel, tried those. I like the silicone type but they do not always let me hold it in.

By #121361 at 25,Apr,16 04:50
What do you think ? [deleted image]
By #363802 at 01,May,16 04:11
Cock ring or no cock ring,your cock is fucking HOTT!

By yellowman at 25,Apr,16 21:21 other posts of yellowman 
Love cock rings. I've worn them for years, metal, leather, rubber and recently I bought a jade one.......!

By dh4345 at 25,Apr,16 20:48 other posts of dh4345 
No cock ring.

By #472386 at 25,Apr,16 01:52
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My mrs loves having me extra hard, mines a bit too tight though, i can't ejaculate through it
By #121361 at 25,Apr,16 04:48
Looks great !

By spermkiss at 01,Nov,15 22:08 other posts of spermkiss 
24/7/365. I rarely take it off.

By leopoldij at 25,Sep,15 12:35 other posts of leopoldij 
I like a latex cock ring when I fuck:
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By #311947 at 24,Sep,15 12:46
I like wearing rings some times. Not that I "need" to, I just like the look and feel

By youngjpcock at 19,Sep,15 14:03 other posts of youngjpcock 

By #291618 at 04,Oct,13 00:28
No cock ring

By #206678 at 03,Oct,13 23:39
I just bought an Oxballs cocksling and it is fantastic

By fancyabit at 03,Oct,13 04:16 other posts of fancyabit 
My wife loves it because she says it feels like a different cock. Also it gives me a heighten sensation. Best used in conjunction with KYjelly.

By cumaddik at 29,Sep,13 16:22 other posts of cumaddik 
I love wearing cockrings It look and feels awesome and i love seeing a man wearing cockrings
By hornycock420 at 29,Sep,13 22:33 other posts of hornycock420 
I love your cock

By #350209 at 29,Sep,13 20:47
never tried one do they help

By #201155 at 29,Sep,13 16:40
Natural is always good, but a well-fitting cockring somehow adds to the occasion, I think

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By #220845 at 10,Dec,12 02:08
I have several, rings, straps and one chain i bought years ago. Don't know what women think of them.

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