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Have you ever taken dick pics of someone else?

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Started by hypoboy at 02,Feb,18 19:44  other posts of hypoboy
who was it and how come you were the photographer?

Similar topics: 1.CATEGORIES   2.DICK PICS   3.420,000 dicks   4.Looking for dick-pics for a new boardgame   5.Kik dick pics spam  

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By #543717 at 16,Apr,18 01:42
Lots of them: of my former and actual Boyfriends over the last 14 years, since I have a digital camera.

By kebmo at 11,Feb,18 23:21 other posts of kebmo 
I always ask my friends if I can take pics of our cocks together when we are having fun. 99% of them say "YES". They love it. There are about 900 pics of them on my profile.

By #358797 at 05,Feb,18 22:31
Yeah. Took a pic of my ex's dick. I still have it saved on my phone as a reminder I can do much better.
By kebmo at 11,Feb,18 23:15 other posts of kebmo 

By #548028 at 11,Feb,18 22:49
I've video recorded a few of the bjs I've given. From the videos, I've screen captured pics.

By #549651 at 10,Feb,18 02:49
Yes. I think the last one that I took was of someone that I met on here and had a long distance thing with for about to years. Pretty big dick, too. How come I was the photographer? It was because I was having sex with him.

By Timbo at 08,Feb,18 09:56 other posts of Timbo 
Yes a friend and I took nude pics of each other. It makes a lot of fun.

By leopoldij at 06,Feb,18 11:51 other posts of leopoldij 
No, but I've taken lots of pussy pics. I specialize, you see...

By routemaster at 06,Feb,18 06:05 other posts of routemaster 
Yes, see the pics I took of sexy John in my profile

By tb1 at 06,Feb,18 04:50 other posts of tb1 
Yes, see my profile pics

By #64328 at 06,Feb,18 01:45
yes....back in the day off Polaroid cameras

By camcock1 at 06,Feb,18 00:31 other posts of camcock1 
Photographed my friend, I do all kinds of photography for my friends.

By Rob00 at 05,Feb,18 23:02 other posts of Rob00 
Yes, a number of guys dicks,i keep them in my pics library to perve on later

By #531534 at 02,Feb,18 22:33
Yes I did once ! Me and a friend ... see my gallery

By #537175 at 02,Feb,18 21:53
My boyfriend

By #220845 at 02,Feb,18 19:49
Adult book store,

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