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Should I get circumscribed?

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Started by JustWill at 17,May,18 16:43  other posts of JustWill
I've always wanted to have more restrictive boundaries, but I'm not sure if I would like it...

New Comment

By #551482 at 31,May,18 22:07
If you get circumscribed, youґll be in the centre of everything!
By #545732 at 31,May,18 22:24

By leopoldij at 01,Jun,18 02:55 other posts of leopoldij 
But this way you'll definitely have restrictive boundaries for you'll be
surrounded by a circle.

By cardinal at 29,May,18 22:53 other posts of cardinal 
is that where you can order to see penises that are cut not too cut or not cut at all before making a decision?
By leopoldij at 29,May,18 23:49 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, that's right. Here one can see penises that are cut not too cut or not cut.
Just as you described the matter.

By leopoldij at 20,May,18 08:49 other posts of leopoldij 
NEVER accept to be circumscribed because you'll find yourself in the center, regardless of whether you like it or not. We used to do this sort of thing at school: we'd tell a boy standing still to hold a piece of string tight. We'd then stretch it and walk around him a few times, holding the string tight, until our feet had traced a circle on the ground. At this point, the boy would find himself circumscribed and was pissed off. But he could do nothing about it.
By #502711 at 29,May,18 12:36
I ha.te it when I get circumscribed
By leopoldij at 29,May,18 18:57 other posts of leopoldij 
Watch your language mate. I know you **** being circumcised but I doubt it you don't like being circumscribed. I'm not sure whether you like being circumnavigated though.
By #502711 at 29,May,18 23:36
I don't mind being circumnavigated when it's a sexy lady, like licksipsuckit
By leopoldij at 29,May,18 23:45 other posts of leopoldij 
That's great, of course.

By #551482 at 29,May,18 20:36
If itґs done right, itґs only a pencil line. But you might want to watch out for the compass Point. = On you

By #558096 at 28,May,18 13:53
Yes get circumcised, very tight!
Everyone should get circumcised.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Sorry, I thought you said circumcised, haha

By kebmo at 17,May,18 17:22 other posts of kebmo 
Maybe someone will buy you a straight jacket for your birthday or Christmas. Blue with horizontal stripes perhaps. You don't strike me as someone who wants to be controlled though.
By JustWill at 17,May,18 18:20 other posts of JustWill 
I just worry that being circumscribed would cause me to become less sensitive.
And, though I do like to live by my own rules as much as possible, there are some occasions/situations where giving up a control can be really fun!
By Dev01 at 18,May,18 20:39 other posts of Dev01 

By bella! at 18,May,18 04:06 other posts of bella! 
Is this the thread where we are free to discuss licorice black, RED, green, purple.....?

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