Once a chat friend, who had a very curved erection, told me that his lovers thought it hard to suck. You can't move on and off quickly.
By #491031 at 07,Aug,18 18:56
It is my opinion that autism is caused by chipmunks. I'm not sure if this is the kind of opinion that your penis is looking for. Let me know what it says.
Oh, this is good information to arm people with. Knowledge is POWER!
JustWill, question please, do you know whether chipmunks can be found in Greece?
By #491031 at 07,Aug,18 20:18
Glad you asked, bella!
There are 25 known species of chipmunk, 24 of which are found in North America (Canada to Mexico). The 25th species, the Siberian Chipmunk, is found in Asia.
Greece does not have a native chipmunk population.
Not really.
It just happens that, while doing extensive research on autism to prove to a rabid anti-vaccer acquaintance of mine that she was a nut-job, I compiled a lot of information on chipmunks.
It was just lying around in my head since then, and I had to dump it somewhere to make room for other random and useless information.
The SYD forum is frequently my brain's toilet...
By #563745 at 07,Aug,18 05:34
Thank you guys. You are really helping me.I am a little insecure with my penis and i love when my penis gets discussed
By #532851 at 06,Aug,18 20:25
Good curve
By #551226 at 06,Aug,18 19:57
Internet doctor here I've made a thorough diagnosis and I can say that it's a penis.
Too curved for what. For fucking women, there is a school of thought that a curve is good. It makes your cock seem bigger in their cunt. Depending on the direction of the bend and how you are fucking them, it might actually hit their G spot better.
For sucking, I don't think anyone cares what shape it is in.
JustWill, question please, do you know whether chipmunks can be found in Greece?
There are 25 known species of chipmunk, 24 of which are found in North America (Canada to Mexico). The 25th species, the Siberian Chipmunk, is found in Asia.
Greece does not have a native chipmunk population.
It just happens that, while doing extensive research on autism to prove to a rabid anti-vaccer acquaintance of mine that she was a nut-job, I compiled a lot of information on chipmunks.
It was just lying around in my head since then, and I had to dump it somewhere to make room for other random and useless information.
The SYD forum is frequently my brain's toilet...
For sucking, I don't think anyone cares what shape it is in.