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Good news on science front

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Started by admin at 27,Oct,18 12:24  other posts of admin
Scientists Processed 109 Hours of Oral Sex to Develop an AI that Sucks Dick.

The Autoblow AI, a sex toy made for penis-possessing individuals, consists of a rubbery sleeve and a motor housed inside a canister that aims to simulate oral sex. It launched its Indiegogo campaign last week and quickly hit its goal of $50,000. Its biggest advertised advantage over the original model from 2014, the Autoblow 2, is a machine learning algorithm that “continually changes technique” in order to pleasure the user in new and exciting ways.

Instead of repetitive, mechanical motions, this "AI mode" promises to replicate the nuanced and unpredictable motions of a real, human blowjob. In order to do this, the company asked a team of six people to watch and annotate 109 hours of porn and hired machine learning engineers to create a model to take all that data and translate it into what the toy does. This entire process took three years.

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New Comment

By #545732 at 27,Oct,18 22:59
Haha, I thought this was a joke at first because the name sounds more like a power tool or something in a car engine!

By spermkiss at 27,Oct,18 16:06 other posts of spermkiss 
Welcome to the machine.

By pifad at 27,Oct,18 12:29 other posts of pifad 
Interesting but I much prefer his mouth

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