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New on Netflix: American Circumcision

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Started by #144821 at 17,Dec,18 02:02
A documentary from 2017 was recently listed on Netflix in the US. The “Number 1 surgery in the US” that Americans are still engaging in, yet have little to no reason for doing so.

Hopefully this helps bring this topic to light and more Americans will wake up stop this senseless nonsense.

Let’s all watch it and try to get it trending.

Similar topics: 1.Circumcised or intact?   2.circumcision?   3.So why is it that straight guys...   4.circumcision   5.Circumcision in the UK press  

New Comment

By mr_blue at 18,Dec,18 00:32 other posts of mr_blue 
I watched it...interesting documentary...
I recommend people to watch it if possible...
Some interesting information and I never realised how scary the apparatus used to circumcise can be...
Interesting comments from the y0ung lad who confronted his mother about his circumcision too..
By bella! at 18,Dec,18 05:54 other posts of bella! 
I was shocked by the opening, the infant's arms, ankles, thighs secured, almost like what you might expect to see for a prison to do to a prisoner in preparation for a lethal injection. And even more shocked to see the devices used in the procedure itself. They looked like medieval torture devices, for sure.

By MM_DD at 18,Dec,18 00:16 other posts of MM_DD 
I know the rate has gone down significantly since the 60's, but it seems to have ebbed and flowed quite a bit over the past couple of decades. In the South the infant circumcision rate is still pretty high, but in the West it's extremely low.

All I know is, I'm eternally grateful to have found and married a Southern-born fellow who was lucky enough to escape the knife. I absolutely cherish his foreskin.

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