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Started by #154586 at 04,Sep,11 10:32
i was browsing the internet one day and suddenly found this site.

Similar topics: 1.Blogging child molesters   2.Can you find my husband in this site?   3.How/why did you find this site?   4.How did you find out   5.The best site to find local cocks to suck ?  

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By leopoldij at 12,Nov,17 04:59 other posts of leopoldij 
I was looking through a church magazine and saw it advertised there.
By #485312 at 13,Nov,17 01:03
now that's a church worth going to.. keeping it real *lix*
By leopoldij at 13,Nov,17 02:16 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 13,Nov,17 02:17 other posts of leopoldij 
I hope I didn't offend you. I know you're a church girl.
By #485312 at 13,Nov,17 07:18
lol, l have a crystal mosque on my coffee table, next to a Christian glass cross in a dome next to it, and to top it off, l bought a little green fat smiling budda for the collection, and they all live so happily side by side, is there anyone fake god l missed??? maybe l need the elephant god with 10 arms, he's cool, cant have one feeling less important in my micro world of fantasies *lix*
By leopoldij at 13,Nov,17 09:40 other posts of leopoldij 
You missed lots of gods. Ron Hubbard, for example, the god of scientologists.

When was the last time you confessed your sins?
By #485312 at 13,Nov,17 10:04
ron hubbard, ??? he's just a brain washing dick, l mean real fake gods, like half man gods or unicorns, and confessions??? lm confessing my sins already, lm going to post a picture to relieve the sick insecurities lm housing and let the 'gods' of SYD judge me before my fellow man.. or the man l found here, which ever you think will blow my ego up to gargantuan size and abhor the most people with rose coloured glasses and shatter their glass houses like a walrus riding a dinosaur in my tin foil hat with a pubic hair poking out the top....l hope lve offended everyone and didn't leave anyone out... *lix*
By leopoldij at 13,Nov,17 21:00 other posts of leopoldij 
I think you covered most.
By #485312 at 14,Nov,17 02:53
l had a muslim salesman here yesterday and he couldn't stop looking at them lol, l would have loved to known what was going through his head lol, *lix*
By leopoldij at 14,Nov,17 08:19 other posts of leopoldij 
Maybe he thought you were being infidel for mixing up all these religions.
By #485312 at 15,Nov,17 03:05
lm not sure what he thought, maybe l confused him with by sending him mixed messages, l treat all religions as being for the fool hardy and they all give false hope .. took me a while to find this quote, from ricky gervais, but it is so true *lix*

Blasphemy: A law to protect an All-Powerful, supernatural Deity from getting it's feelings hurt.

By leopoldij at 14,Nov,17 10:03 other posts of leopoldij 
Or maybe he thought you were Muslim too and was exploring the possibility of grabbing you as a fourth wife. If that was the case, you missed your chance!
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By #485312 at 15,Nov,17 03:07
l would never be able to share a man, l need them all to myself, lm not like most women, ld fuck every day three times a day if l could find someone that could give me that much sex *lix*
By leopoldij at 15,Nov,17 21:25 other posts of leopoldij 
I didn't say you'd want to be his fourth wife, but, perhaps, that's *he* would like; that's what *he* saw in you; perhaps.
By #485312 at 20,Nov,17 11:23
lol, yeah well he didn't look like my type of dude, not into door to door sales men, much rather a guy with a real mans job, one that its physical and demanding is more the kind of man l like, one that isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and do it hard *lix*

By #505462 at 15,Nov,17 23:14
This site was recommended to me by one of the followers of my naughty blog.

By Andthisisme at 14,Nov,17 14:12 other posts of Andthisisme 
I originally searched looking for pics of real guys and real penises, rather than 'porn studs'. I intended a brief look but then posted a few pics and here I am 5 years later still posting, pics comments here and chatting.

By steve3095 at 14,Nov,17 12:53 other posts of steve3095 
Google searching one day and just entered 'show your dick'. Didn't know this site existed till then. Started looking regularly so I joined up. Finally decided to post some pics. Was shitting bricks when I did it but then couldn't believe the responses. Now I love it and look in every day.

By leopoldij at 14,Nov,17 10:17 other posts of leopoldij 
"How did you find this site?"

I found it dirty.

By dgraff at 14,Nov,17 10:13 other posts of dgraff 
Purely an accident I wanted to build a deck on the side of my house so I googled show your deck but I must have typed it wrong

By spermkiss at 04,Sep,11 18:21 other posts of spermkiss 
I did an internet search of "Penis Pictures" and this site popped up. It's become a favorite.
By #117783 at 23,Sep,11 10:42
Me too - Im now a SYD "firm" favourite.
By spermkiss at 23,Sep,11 16:29 other posts of spermkiss 
It's interesting in that I came for the pictures but I stayed for the discussion. The exchange of ideas with other members here on the Forum has become one of the most rewarding parts of SYD. I think that it's revealing that after I sign on, I click on the Forum before I click on the Recently Submitted.
By #536760 at 12,Nov,17 04:57

By leopoldij at 12,Nov,17 05:01 other posts of leopoldij 
Why would you search for such a lewd term?
By spermkiss at 13,Nov,17 18:00 other posts of spermkiss 
Aren't you naпve!!?

By #502711 at 13,Nov,17 10:56
I was bored & horny one day, so I got the idea to post some nude pictures on the internet. I can't remember what I typed in. Something like "upload nude pictures of yourself" or "show your nude pics". Anyway, this site was the first one I clicked on & i've loved it ever since. Was a bit iffy about it at first, only posted pictures while wearing a balaclava because I didn't want anyone I knew seeing me. But eventually I stopped caring. Also met my current girlfriend here. Going on almost 2 years now.

By Rob00 at 13,Nov,17 02:23 other posts of Rob00 
My friend " Graeme " suggested i check it out,years ago

By MrBone at 12,Nov,17 04:55 other posts of MrBone 
Wanted to show pics of my cock. Happen to come across SYD. Liked what I saw and set up a profile. Been addicted ever since!
By #485312 at 13,Nov,17 01:04
yeah, it can get really addictive .. some days l get porned out, too much porn and need to rest my eyes *lix*

By #511878 at 11,Nov,17 12:39
I was currious about uncut cocks and Google lead me here years ago. I was convinced to post some of my own and have been here years now and love being here with you guys and LIX and some other ladies
By bella! at 11,Nov,17 14:30 other posts of bella! 
Don't forget the asterisks, stars or whatever else she uses to precede and proceed her name
By leopoldij at 12,Nov,17 04:52 other posts of leopoldij 
Don't be jealous. You got an exclamation mark too.

By #485312 at 13,Nov,17 01:02
makes me wonder what people google when looking for porn, l googled ABC one day to find a television station here in Australia and ended up with thousands of pages of porn, made me wonder how hard it would be for mothers and young k!ds to not find porn on their first search using such an innocent set of letters *lix*

By #64328 at 12,Nov,17 17:50
it was through a site that no longer online called dick.net

By #485312 at 12,Nov,17 03:05
had some jealous moderator deleting my pics off another site, so ld seen this watermark on someones pics there and decided to take a look, found it to my liking and haven't been able to leave since *lix*

By #220845 at 11,Nov,17 15:34
I was looking for a place that I could show myself

By RealTitsLover at 11,Nov,17 15:02 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I was chatting with a member of a message board I own on another site and she said she used to show off her body on here, recommended I check it out.

By niceonebighead at 10,Nov,17 02:12 other posts of niceonebighead 
lookin 4 cock pics

By #164428 at 22,Sep,11 15:24
I was pondering over the word "cunt" and how it has such a negative connotation in our society. I just decided to Google it to see what would come up. Lo, and behold: SYC!
By spermkiss at 23,Sep,11 16:22 other posts of spermkiss 
I gotta agree with you here. I think a better name for our sister site should be "Show Your Pussy" or SYP. "Pussy" is a nice slang term for vagina while "cunt" definately sounds negative. It sounds like the female equivalent of "prick".

By #24358 at 09,Sep,11 05:29

By #134591 at 08,Sep,11 05:56
a friend who lives far from me with whom a played around once got me to post some pics for him on here. and since then i can't stop visiting SYD and

By #181785 at 08,Sep,11 01:59
I did a google of cock pictures.

By #143536 at 07,Sep,11 16:51
One of my gf's wanted to see pics of my cock a lot. I was trying to find a safe place to keep them in case anyone else wanted to see. Did a google search and BAM! Up came this site. I've loved it ever since!!

By slipper at 05,Sep,11 05:20 other posts of slipper 
Just lucky, I guess!

By 3fdfd at 04,Sep,11 20:50 other posts of 3fdfd 
A friend - "met" him on another site - admired his cock & body fur - told me that he was posting to this site. Eventually, the old site went by the wayside.

By #6568 at 04,Sep,11 20:07
A female aquaintance put me onto it,...you can read an account and what has happened since in my blog on my pages.

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