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My Grandma Hotpussy is on this site!!!!!!!!!!???

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Started by #582466 at 12,Mar,19 22:06
It has ruined me seeing my grandma’s money making holes. What should I do?

I cannt put my cock here now or she will see me!! HELP shit!

Similar topics: 1.A comma can save a life   2.Once Upon A Time...   3.AHHH THE GOOD OLD DAYS,, HOTPUSSY'S PAGE   4.New shirt my Grandma bought for me...   5.The Saggy Granny- now member #610414  

New Comment

By dgraff at 18,Mar,19 08:48 other posts of dgraff 
You could buy her a one way ticket to Australia and I will buy Leo one then all the fucktards can be in one place
By Dev01 at 13,Aug,19 05:45 other posts of Dev01 
We have enough here DG
By #275407 at 13,Aug,19 06:13

By dgraff at 13,Aug,19 02:40 other posts of dgraff 
I can picture my grandma Graff on a site like this she used to sit on the front porch in her wheelchair smoking a cigar now of course there were no computers yet in 1967 she was born in 1888 and passed away in 1979
By bella! at 13,Aug,19 03:28 other posts of bella! 
Grandma Graff witnessed so much in her lifetime. Going from horse and buggy to horsepower under the hood, from airplanes to jets and man landing on the moon and the first ever, motorized barstool invented by her grandson! Oh, the memories and the exciting things for her to share with those that predeceased her.

By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 09:23 other posts of dgraff 
Don't worry son she is old and senile she will soon die then your troubles will be over
By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 11:47
I gave him better advice

My opinion

By #487013 at 13,Mar,19 12:03
And then he’ll get to inherit a couple of cans of cat food, some old Bobby pins, a can of rave hairspray, lint, and her collection of china from 7-11.
By #551147 at 12,Aug,19 20:27
ROFLMAO 😆😄🤣😂 This could have only been said by one person. Miss you boo!

By Sir-Skittles at 12,Aug,19 20:09 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
your grandma is a saggy rat

By Dong69 at 16,Mar,19 21:04 other posts of Dong69 
Well dont know what to say to this topic, other than don't show your face lol!!!

Then she wont know it's you!!

By #460385 at 13,Mar,19 14:29
OMG, here we go again.
By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 18:33 other posts of dgraff 

By JackHammer at 13,Mar,19 13:22 other posts of JackHammer 
Who is your grandma? I want to see her for I am a grandpa.

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 11:46
Don't act like a victim, snot nose. We all know who taught you sex. Hands on you might say. Of course, maybe, you would have preferred Dgraff to have been your reacher. I hear he's very good at that.

My opinion
By dgraff at 13,Mar,19 12:01 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha I’m told I’m the best every night

By #578610 at 13,Mar,19 11:51
Also, stay away from DeathWarmedOver. Her phony tits and decaying pussy can really ruin your eyes.

My opinion

By #487013 at 12,Mar,19 23:47
The only money those holes make is when stands outside department stores during Christmas and uses her snatch as a offering plate when she’s asking for spare change.

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