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Started by #518526 at 15,Mar,19 21:45
I think there should be a few more topics added to the list such as.....fucking, toys, cumming, and maybe miscellaneous. Maybe someone on here can get the admin to add these. I think it would be a fun idea to at least try, let me know what u guys think.

Similar topics: 1.Any ideas for an interesting topic of conversation?   2.New addition to fourms   3.Admin, please create forum topics. Let's organize and sort 161 pages of chaos into something beautiful!   4.Why are all the discussion topics for guys?   5.Constructive Adult Topics...  

New Comment

By #518526 at 15,Mar,19 21:53
Instead of just a thread to fill, have a whole page dedicated to each topic. Just a thought!
By bella! at 15,Mar,19 21:57 other posts of bella! 
If you are responding to me, why not use the "Reply" option?

By bella! at 15,Mar,19 22:03 other posts of bella! 
I'm playing the Devil's advocate, if my interest was in "fucking toys", would your thread be different or more interesting and exciting than another members?

By bella! at 15,Mar,19 21:52 other posts of bella! 
Hi there.

Just a thought, if you believe that there is an interest in those topics, why not start a thread or threads yourself? Who would have thought that PISSING AT URINALS would be so well received and still be relevant so many years after the topic was opened? Today is the 4 year anniversary of the thread which has over 3,400 entries.


Adult Discussion Forum