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Started by #487013 at 15,Nov,17 14:05
Similar topics: 1.Anyone else here circumcised as an adult? 2.Any ideas for an interesting topic of conversation? 3.and all other petty topics that are not interesting to an intelligent reader 4.New topics! 5.Share you current mood with music New CommentComments: |
A traditional meal in my house was Turkey, stuffing/sage dressing (no Stove Top brand in our home), mashed potatoes and gravy, yams, cranberry sauce and for dessert, pumpkin pie and my pops likes minced meat.
Although Thanksgiving is an American "thing", Canadians in October, us in November, what kinds of food are prepared for your holiday meal(s)?
My uncle used to make homemade Italian sausage for Thanksgiving too.
Are you from an Italian background or just a family that enjoys homemade Italian sausage?
I cook a turkey with home made stuffing, mashed taters, gravy, roasted veggies (corn, carrots, taters, and green beans), sweet potatoes,baked beans, mac and cheese, pasta salad, macaroni salad, tater salad, apple pies, pumpkin pie, pumpkin roll, pumpkin cookies, and some sort of cake.
I'm probably forgetting something... Too much to think of. lol
Try to get out of the kitchen and enjoy your day!
But yeah... Lots of leftovers... Buck season starts Monday, so it's always nice to not have to cook for a few days.
IDK if it's a Pennsylvanian thing or not, but 'we' typically don't hide our guns here. Ki.ds, around here anyways, are taught how to properly handle and unload a gun very early.
I like either one, really. They both taste good to me.
Other than that, you're a'ight.
Up until now, if the URL was valid, it would be loaded exactly as fast as any other valid URL on the internet (technical limitations accounted for) -- it did not matter what the destination or content of the URL was: they were all 'neutral.'
Soon, ISPs [Internet Service Providers] will be able to remove, restrict or add pay-walls to URLs that used to be 'neutral' -- this site, included.
Soon, 5 ISPs (covering >90% of American internet users) will control the infrastructure of the internet in the US, and will be free to charge whatever they wish to any potential competitor who would need to use their infrastructure -- permitting prohibitively exorbitant 'piggybacking' fees, effectively pricing out any potential rivals. Creating 'new infrastructure' (the ‘innovation’ in the argument by those championing de-regulation) is beyond the capacity of virtually any serious investor, apart from the state; even GOOGLE* has taken 7 YEARS to get Fiber into just 9 MARKETS in the US. *[In 2012, Goldman Sachs estimated Google would need $140 BILLION to provide the whole US with services; it had $45B in assets at the time, ie. ~30% of that value. (http://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-it-would-cost-google-to-build-a-cable-network-2012-12)]
The FCC has, to this point, disregarded the comments of over TWO HUNDRED MILLION Americans, and may even have engaged in criminal activity by impersonating citizens to present the appearance of favor for eliminating the so-called ‘Net-neutrality’ that had arisen through purely organic market forces before it was codified in 2015, now facing repeal.
**If you think this problem faces only the US, you are gravely mistaken.**
The US now sets precedence for other countries to follow, and most dangerously so those countries with fragile or no real democracy; those countries with the greatest need for a free and unobstructed press, the fourth pillar of any vital democracy, and the only means to speak truth to power with efficacy.
If you too are concerned, you should be. And if you are not, **YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED**.
Indeed, you ARE concerned, whether you acknowledge it or not.
So now, my question for “Constructive Adult Discussion”…what can be done about this? What SHOULD be done? What SHALL you do?
The US faces a vote on Net Neutrality on Dec 14th (voice your concerns with your representatives; good start here only registered users can see external links ); take whatever action you can, in your country.
Can YOU decide what the internet will look like tomorrow?
Its not the monster people are lead to
believe. Its been around some time and
not just for Bad porn or drugs and guns.
It was created for privacy concerns and
does a great job.
Please dont go on about silk road....
Stupidity and complacency got him into
If you need to be safe in the dark world, my first recommendation would be the VPN. It is because most are highly secured and powerful to secure your privacy over the internet.
Buy VPN immediately. Don’t restrict them. Be Secured.
Don’t use your mobile phone for 2-step verification on Tor.Don’t operate user account outside Tor.
Don’t post your personal information.
Do not use HTTP website on Tor.Don’t send unencrypted data over Tor.
Do not use Tor with Windows.
Don’t forget to delete cookies and local website data.
Don’t use Tor for Google search.
Don’t connect to the same server with and without Tor simultaneously.
Simple method
run a virtual machine... simple and most of the time effective. I use them to catch indian scammers on a website i choose not to name nor go
into detail about.... not for everyone but thats my 10 cents
If you ask me, Internet was much better back in 1998-2002 when not many people used it and governments ignored it almost completely.
Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named “Man (Person) of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!
Time's response:
The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. TIME does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.
Pathological liar or just senile?
Of course neither is good for a President, but i would love to know for sure which he was doing.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Everyone please send leftovers to me.You makeing me hungery.
Or is it just me?
I just get a framed blank when I click on an individual pic.
At the time of this post, you will need to bypass at least on addional member's post in the thread I'm attaching.
Both uploaded by the same member, both on the Popular page and members are voting for both. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Love you HL....keeping it real... respect
If you got a lady and you want her gone
But you ain't got the guts
She keeps naggin' at you night and day
Enough to drive ya nuts
More views? What do I need that for? I don't really get anything outta that. I'm glad if people appreciate my page, but it's not like it's a turn-on to know if people look at it, it's mainly for the girls I talk to and decide to try talking to, since they're almost all bi.
I wasn't hoping for anything with the new thread. I saw nowhere to post, so I made a thread. I already told you I didn't put any thought into it, and I wasn't trying to step on your toes. I wasn't really thinking about how important it was to you.
It was "constructive", but I always got in trouble for playing with my erections at the dinner table.