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Should i delete some of my pics?

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Started by Minimalglory at 04,May,19 07:52  other posts of Minimalglory
I feel like my pics are gross. Some of them anyway. Check my page and let me know if i would be better off without some of them.

Similar topics: 1.Purging inactive members   2.Delete poor quality pics   3.Lose points for posting pics,why! and old pics   5.Can't delete my page images.  

New Comment

By #281008 at 11,May,19 21:43
who cares,delete if u want to,don't delete if u don't want to,cant u make your own decisions grow up er

By #536019 at 11,May,19 16:45
If a picture is attractive/sexy to your taste, then keep it. If not, delete it.

If I were you, I'd post some close-ups of your erect cock.

By DarkMax at 11,May,19 14:52 other posts of DarkMax 
The similar question )

By 2nice at 04,May,19 11:13 other posts of 2nice 
This is a pretty lame call or cry for attention. You’ve already demonstrated you have the courage to put yourself out there. Get some confidence.
By Minimalglory at 04,May,19 11:25 other posts of Minimalglory 
You are right. Im trying to get attention. Kinda the fun of this site right? That's my problem. I dont get much attention. Im wondering if my pics are bad?
By 2nice at 04,May,19 12:11 other posts of 2nice 
What you get out of the site depends on what you put into it. Browse the site and interact with others. Almost everyone is very friendly.
By Minimalglory at 05,May,19 03:57 other posts of Minimalglory 
Thanks for your advice. Ill try it a bit more.
--------------------------------------- added after 85 seconds

Thanks for your advice. Ill try it a bit more.
Oops i clicked the number thingy on the bottom. Not sure what that means.

By #578610 at 04,May,19 12:31
There's nothing wrong with your pics. You need to interact more with the site members.
By Minimalglory at 05,May,19 03:56 other posts of Minimalglory 

Adult Discussion Forum