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Craziest dare involving nudity you have done

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Started by #579187 at 08,May,19 06:36
I was dared to pump gas fully erect on a main road after dark. Biggest turn on hearing cars honk, I was hard for an hour afterwards still.

Similar topics: 1.Public Nudity   2.Lets play truth or dare!!!   3.craziest things used for sex   4.Truth or dare   5.For the Record...  

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By #583549 at 22,May,19 00:53
On warm summer nights I drive nude on the back roads with the windows down and later on I walk my property nude from 9PM to 11PM.I also enjoy having my photo taken while nude outside! I could live nude 24/7 if allowed!

By #518526 at 21,May,19 20:00
Have a beer at the bar 100% naked

By #64328 at 21,May,19 17:03
Spent a week nude at a friends parents cabin when we were teenagers. That was a fun summer vacation and we never told anyone about it. Secretly we were nudist the whole time

By #478298 at 19,May,19 00:14
I've posted pix of my erection on an adult site

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By #583549 at 18,May,19 10:12
I have walked around my neighbor hood late at night nude!It was quite exciting!

By Apantyhoselovr at 18,May,19 03:56 other posts of Apantyhoselovr 
also use to regularly leave my friends car at a rest stop and walked to rest room, go in stall and remove shorts, put on pantyhose and had on tee that came to mid thigh, then walk out to his vehicle about 150 yards usually.

By Apantyhoselovr at 18,May,19 03:52 other posts of Apantyhoselovr 
one night, straddled a yellow line in rural arkansas and squatted to suck dick as an 18 wheeler approached.

By #181785 at 11,May,19 14:20
I had to walk down the street and back naked, near a MLB park after the game ended. Then jerk off. Never came so hard. Oh by the way I had dared myself to do it.

By Greek18cm at 08,May,19 19:22 other posts of Greek18cm 
I was working at a place with two other girls. One hot and one not. The hot one was messing around a bit. Once she dared me to find a way to show my cock to the other girl.

So the not hot girl a day start talking about this guy that sending her dick pics etc. I asked her do you want to get rid of him and she said yes. So I took her phone and send the guy my cock and write to him like I was the girl "my bf has a bigger one"

And I closed it and tell her it's OK, he will not send again. The guy blocked her and she figured out one day later what I did and I win the dare of the hot girl
By leopoldij at 10,May,19 07:08 other posts of leopoldij 
The question, however, is: did YOU win? Did YOU get to fuck her?
By Greek18cm at 10,May,19 14:28 other posts of Greek18cm 
Who? The hot one or the other? The hot one yes but long time after she split up with her boyfriend
By leopoldij at 10,May,19 17:00 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, the hot one. Ok, so you fucked her.
By Greek18cm at 10,May,19 17:26 other posts of Greek18cm 
Yes. She was living with a guy for 3 years or something like that. He dumbed her and then I get lucky.

She is not talking to me anymore now

By leopoldij at 10,May,19 17:01 other posts of leopoldij 
What about the not hot one?
I would have fucked her right there and then,
after seeing your cock she should have fucked it.
By Greek18cm at 10,May,19 17:25 other posts of Greek18cm 
She changed her attitude to mee after that but... When I said not hot one, I should say ugly (according my taste) but I did not want to sound bad.

I was not attacked to her at all.

But kind liked she saw my cock
By leopoldij at 10,May,19 17:35 other posts of leopoldij 
Never mind if she's ugly. A fuck is a fuck.

By leopoldij at 10,May,19 17:35 other posts of leopoldij 
You're not marrying her or taking her home. You're using her to empty your cum load
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And, just because I don't want to sound harsh, you're ALSO giving her pleasure. Make her orgasm. Give her pussy the time of her life.
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Just a nice fuck. Works both ways.
By Greek18cm at 10,May,19 22:30 other posts of Greek18cm 
I am not comfortable with a woman I am not attractive. Maybe I am seeing it wrong. But this is how I see it at that period of my life
By leopoldij at 10,May,19 22:31 other posts of leopoldij 
That's fine.

By foreskinlover52 at 10,May,19 15:29 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I jumped of the high dive naked at a public pool

By wycowboy at 10,May,19 13:03 other posts of wycowboy 
I was challenged to wash my car at a car wash fully nude in the daytime. I accepted the challenge. I spent about 15 minutes fully nude and harder than I had ever been doing it. I got several honks by cars driving by and one woman stood and watched most of the time. When I got done and was leaving the girl who challenged me jerked me off. I came before I got to the street in my car. I don't think I've ever cum so much and so hard before or since.

By 2nice at 10,May,19 12:11 other posts of 2nice 
I walked around the block in the middle of the night fully nude once. I live in the city so it’s very populated. I had to jump behind a set of bushes a couple times. Not for fear of being seen, but for fear of being arrested.

By leopoldij at 10,May,19 07:10 other posts of leopoldij 
I've masturbated for my colleague at work. Many times. It started as a challenge. It continued. It happens after the end of the work day. In the office. She did the same for me. Never fucked her though.

By toohey at 10,May,19 04:51 other posts of toohey 
One sunny Summer day the lake was busy with boats. A jetty ran out quite a distance into the water. I was dared to walk down the jetty naked, and masturbate at the end, in full view. And I did. What a turn-on. I don't think I've ever cum that hard.

By #478298 at 09,May,19 20:24
My neighbor's backyard
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By #537175 at 08,May,19 13:04
so far mainly schoolboy pranks with mates . once 5 of us stood at urinal jerking off … another guy walks in , sees we are busy and uses a cubicle , but then hangs around to watch us all shoot cum .

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