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Started by #491031 at 23,Oct,18 18:07
Yes, it makes you GAY.
EVERYTHING makes you gay.
You can't avoid it.
Anything involving another guy's penis will get gay cooties all over you.
Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay.
The very fact that you have read the words "involving another guy's penis" has made you gay.
It's a done deal.
Now, quit asking, and go suck that cock you've been fantasizing about, you big old Gay-Bo...

Similar topics: 1.A question...   2.Most times you've come in one day   3.how many times can you cum in one day   4.what is ur fucking or mustarbating record ?   5.record masturbation  

New Comment

By #569341 at 24,Oct,18 08:34

I do look at my dick at least 10 times a day (toilet, shower, changing, here, spanking it) - i s'pose i a am bi and gay and bi-curious (and all of the terms that mean the same thing).

I also tell woman that are obviously out for a free night of drinking that i'm gay when they ask me to buy them a drink, before i give them a cheeky wink and take them home instead of the guys that had been PAYING FOR HER all night. That's gay/bi/bi-curious too. I'm gay and i'm proud!!! You learn something new everyday - thanks, Will
By #491031 at 24,Oct,18 16:04
Always happy to help.
By #569341 at 27,Oct,18 15:35
I feel so free (:. OM OM OM...ok, that meditation shit is annoying me now

By whatsupcocks at 04,Nov,18 11:58 other posts of whatsupcocks 
I am bi and enjoy playing on both sides of the fence. I think everyone should try it at least once . You may find the answer to many questions and thoughts that you are someone you know have been looking for or wounding about. it makes things much more fun for me because there is no right and wrong just people who want to be treated as = and have fun.BI's do have more fun .
By #551147 at 04,Nov,18 18:44
Hear! Hear!!
By whatsupcocks at 05,Nov,18 06:00 other posts of whatsupcocks 
By #569341 at 05,Nov,18 06:54
You're all all good with me - 3 great blokes
By whatsupcocks at 05,Nov,18 08:08 other posts of whatsupcocks 
thanks mate.
By #569341 at 05,Nov,18 08:10
, bruv

By #551147 at 05,Nov,18 10:36
😍 Thanks Bro! 😀

By tecsan at 25,Jun,22 01:19 other posts of tecsan 

By #491031 at 23,Jun,22 19:06
I just moved this up to be annoying.
By #574505 at 23,Jun,22 19:15
I like annoying too.
By #491031 at 23,Jun,22 19:20
The guy who doesn't know how to correctly spell 'Texan' does this crap all the time...
By bella! at 23,Jun,22 19:26 other posts of bella! 
Uh-oh, he's not going to like that!
By #491031 at 23,Jun,22 19:27
He isn't even going to be able to UNDERSTAND it...
By bella! at 23,Jun,22 19:29 other posts of bella! 
He is in a state of confusion so much of the time....
By #491031 at 23,Jun,22 19:32
Tecsus IS a big state of confusion...
By #574505 at 23,Jun,22 20:08
tecsan don't even know the capital of Texas...
By bella! at 24,Jun,22 00:31 other posts of bella! 
EVERYONE knows the capital of Texas is Armadillo or something that starts with the letter "A"!
By tecsan at 24,Jun,22 07:46 other posts of tecsan 
Maybe Austin, but let us hear you tell us the capital of your states.

By tecsan at 24,Jun,22 02:06 other posts of tecsan 
Tell me please. What is the capital of your state?

By bella! at 23,Jun,22 23:54 other posts of bella! 
He's very sensitive and I guarantee you he's going to whine about being "attacked".
By #574505 at 24,Jun,22 01:17
I wonder if he's a book writer
By bella! at 24,Jun,22 01:21 other posts of bella! 
He doesn't have time YET because he spends a good amount of time here information and fact gathering so he can write a romance novel with juicy bits.
By tecsan at 24,Jun,22 07:50 other posts of tecsan 
You know that is ignorant, I do not fact check anything except for one thing here and you know what that is.

By tecsan at 24,Jun,22 07:51 other posts of tecsan 
No bella! I do not care. Say what you want, I promise I do not care.

By tecsan at 24,Jun,22 02:09 other posts of tecsan 
We all do Jamie. Some just take it too seriously. Well like I used to. Funny now.

By #551147 at 23,Oct,18 18:17
I'm just TOO old school. I see "GAY" and read happy
By leopoldij at 23,Oct,18 18:43 other posts of leopoldij 
True. Gay means, primarily, happy.
The term "homosexual" was established in the 19th century.
The neologism "gay" was probably coined in in the 60s.
Not a very successful term.
(Just as the verb "to cum" is not good: it has no universally accepted past tense.)
By #562152 at 27,Oct,18 17:34
I'm happy therefore I am.
By leopoldij at 27,Oct,18 18:17 other posts of leopoldij 
I am therefore I fuck.
I fuck therefore I'm happy.
I'm happy therefore I'm free.
I'm free therefore I think.
I am therefore I think.

Three famous philosopher Descartes established the opposite:
I think therefore I am.

So The final conclusion is: ....
By #491031 at 27,Oct,18 20:12
...that your thesis is flawed.
By leopoldij at 27,Oct,18 23:24 other posts of leopoldij 
Hm... you really thought I was trying to say something deep?
By #491031 at 28,Oct,18 02:39
No, not at all. I HAVE read many of your posts, so I don't have expectations that high.
By #551147 at 28,Oct,18 07:04
OMG! 😆🤣😂😆
By #491031 at 28,Oct,18 20:52
It has been quite some time since I was last OMGed here.

By #562152 at 27,Oct,18 17:40
Homosexual got replaced by gay. That's kinda queer, don't you think?
By leopoldij at 27,Oct,18 23:24 other posts of leopoldij 
It's almost amBIvalent.

By #568769 at 24,Oct,18 17:12
and ESPECIALLY this:!

By bella! at 23,Oct,18 21:34 other posts of bella! 
Who pissed in your Wheaties today?
By #551147 at 23,Oct,18 21:44
I'm fairly certain it was this question -_-_-_-> /forum/thread.php?id=11229#30 that triggered him.

By #491031 at 23,Oct,18 22:04
I don't like Wheaties. I've always been more of a Rice Krispies kinda guy...
--------------------------------------- added after 90 seconds

How's the vacation going?
By kebmo at 24,Oct,18 04:53 other posts of kebmo 
I heard that Rice Krispies make you gay.
By #491031 at 24,Oct,18 16:06
It's all that Snap, Crackle, and Popping. For some mysterious reason, it makes a guy crave dingus.

By #551147 at 23,Oct,18 18:10
🙄 This is SO much funnier replacing your "gay" tirade with "happy"...
By #491031 at 23,Oct,18 18:14
"Happy" cooties sounds kind of creepy...
By #551147 at 23,Oct,18 18:15

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