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Going commando

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Started by #518391 at 29,May,19 08:40
Anyone going commando today? I love it...bare helmet rubbing against jeans and balls swinging free

Similar topics: 1.Always Commando   2.Commando ?   3.Commando penis here.   4.Commando   5.Going Commando  

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By wycowboy at 03,Jun,19 13:32 other posts of wycowboy 
I go commando pretty often, especially when wearing shorts. I am usually semi-erect then because people might be able to see my package. It also allows me to reach in a play with myself. I think I will wear shorts to work today.

By massco at 03,Jun,19 02:34 other posts of massco 
yes when its hot with shorts on.

By JeffinKS at 30,May,19 18:01 other posts of JeffinKS 
I am commando all the time! love wearing baggy shorts in the summer giving guys a flash up my shorts!!

By knewbi at 30,May,19 16:43 other posts of knewbi 
Love doing this with some baggy shorts I have. Can easily reach in and play with myself ate a moments notice. Plus maybe even have someone take a peek.

By #64328 at 30,May,19 16:14
I do sometimes. I think I will today

By #336173 at 30,May,19 13:41
I've been going commando for the last 20+ years.
By #518391 at 30,May,19 13:59
Good for you...those huge now ldanglers must rattle around...hope you don't get them twisted when you sit down.

By #561812 at 30,May,19 05:54
I tried going commando once, it was awesome. I love the feeling of it.

By #584954 at 30,May,19 03:45
Haven't put underwear on in 10 years, except for fun..

By #532851 at 29,May,19 23:13
Yes. I wear sweat shorts at work. People can see my head outline and some can get a glimpse up the leg of my shorts.

By #522791 at 29,May,19 22:57
All the fucking time

By #583549 at 29,May,19 09:52
I always go commando in the summer time! When it's hot outside I wear mesh short that allow my cock and balls to swing free and breathe.Plus when you stand with the sunlight behind you,your package can been seen through the fabric!
By spermkiss at 29,May,19 15:34 other posts of spermkiss 
Exactly. A man should NEVER wear underpants when he's wearing short pants, especially short shorts or any length shorts made with thin and/or mesh fabric. Visibility of one's goods is the reason. Any SYD member should understand that.

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