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I Can't See My Dick !

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Started by wanka at 20,Aug,19 11:19  other posts of wanka
I have put on weight over the last few years but can't see my dick unless it's erect, then I can just see the end.
I have now started to lose weight and I can see a bit more of it now. It makes a big difference when getting a handjob or blowjob when you can actually see the action for yourself.
has anyone else had this problem?

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New Comment

By #463848 at 06,Feb,20 15:06
At an earlier time but I used a mirror or my web cam

By #275407 at 21,Aug,19 00:32
Don't worry, neither can ken31234
By #551147 at 21,Aug,19 05:36
NOR Bjuka... Albeit I might add I'm not being insensitive, just keeping it real dawg.
By Sir-Skittles at 21,Aug,19 18:25 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Bjuka is a 4th degree-- the pizza box is also in the way...

By admin at 20,Aug,19 11:30 other posts of admin 
In my local culture there is a joke about this, it's called "mirror syndrome" of 1st,2nd and 3rd degree. This implies that you are so fat that you can't see without a mirror accordingly:
1. you penis while flaccid;
2. you penis while erect;
3. who's doing the blowjob
By wanka at 20,Aug,19 11:39 other posts of wanka 
My problem is just 1st degree
By #275407 at 21,Aug,19 06:13

Adult Discussion Forum