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KIK alternative?

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Started by skot at 24,Sep,19 15:57  other posts of skot
Given KiK is saying it will close this Friday where is everyone planning to head to?

What's out there that isn't so heavily moderated to be useless?

Any app preferences?

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New Comment

By HarlequinChub at 25,Oct,19 23:47 other posts of HarlequinChub 
I'm using wickr

By #447951 at 23,Oct,19 23:38
Kik is not working. I m using Skype in place of kik. Very good and secure

By admin at 24,Sep,19 21:17 other posts of admin 
Can I ask you all what was so great about kik? I never used it so I don't know.
By #574505 at 24,Sep,19 21:48
I don't know

By #551147 at 24,Sep,19 21:55
I'll answer you in private...
By mr_blue at 24,Sep,19 22:16 other posts of mr_blue 
sharing is caring

By soundsgreat87 at 25,Sep,19 04:07 other posts of soundsgreat87 
I think it was just momentum and network effects. For some reason it became popular on porn sites. I only got it to chat with people from porn sites!

By #485312 at 23,Oct,19 03:59
the hope of a free sex show, ??? *lix*

By #551147 at 22,Oct,19 08:24
KIK Announces it's staying and not going anywhere

Just thought I would share the good news...

By soundsgreat87 at 25,Sep,19 04:05 other posts of soundsgreat87 
It seems like the Friday Sept 27th date is a hoax or something. But it is shutting down. So that the company can... uh... fight the SEC about their cryptocurrency? Which wouldn't exist without the messenger? Sounds like a pretty stupid move to me.

Telegram works. I've heard Signal is good too.

By admin at 24,Sep,19 23:04 other posts of admin 
From what scorpio told me in private it looks a lot like Telegram. I don't know if it's worth to use telegram though as it was developed by Russian team and though they claim to operate from outside of Russia and not under its laws, they still may be under full control or Russian Federal Security Service and dump all data there.

By #600538 at 24,Sep,19 20:03
Wickr me is a good sharing app and conversation deletes after a few days.

By #551147 at 24,Sep,19 17:16
Thanks for that bit-o-news. That certainly sucks! 😠😠

By #574505 at 24,Sep,19 16:42
Lol I just enrolled to kik

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