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Started by epep50 at 30,Nov,19 08:30  other posts of epep50
ever cum in your ladies pussy and go down on her after?

Similar topics: 1.who gets off filling up pussy or asses?   2.Creampies   3.Let's see some CREAMPIES!   4.Creampies   5.Sissy breeding  

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By #522791 at 14,Dec,19 19:25
I have several times

By knewbi at 09,Dec,19 17:33 other posts of knewbi 
not so much me cumming in her. we are swingers and i have cleaned her out a number of times after guys filled her up.
By #606106 at 09,Dec,19 17:38
I wanted to do that with my wife but we've never made the leap to go home with any even after being begged to
By knewbi at 10,Dec,19 16:50 other posts of knewbi 
I was fortunate as my wife was all for it. She did not hesitate when the subject came up. I was in for a long argument as to why we should and she didn't even let me use any of the arguments I had planned. Which was great because we got right into it. After all, it is just sex and not love. Adult recreation fun... We have never regretted it either. But then we were both secure in our relationship.

By cumcouplessa at 10,Dec,19 03:53 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. Whenever we have a mmf, I always clean wifey afterwards. Nothing beats eating her after a guy has filled her. Her pussy is usually all wet, creamy and swolen. The taste of cum, mixed with her juices is mind blowing.

By german_guy at 09,Dec,19 20:59 other posts of german_guy 
I like to, but she sometimes wont let me

By shackles at 09,Dec,19 16:05 other posts of shackles 
Yes. It generally gives her another orgasm when I do.

By #606106 at 09,Dec,19 15:34
I haven't but I wish she would tell to.

By leopoldij at 09,Dec,19 15:33 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes. Especially when she wants it.

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