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Started by Alwaysnude at 10,Feb,20 14:15  other posts of Alwaysnude
URL=//][/URL] I use to so insecure about my penis in my youth. We had showers in school and I played sports so I was aware at a young age that I was small. Now I embrace it and proudly show off my tiny little itty bitty and enjoy the comments. Its seems everytime I go to a nudist beach the bigg dick guys always hang out with me I live the comparision Am I weird tell em

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New Comment

By #588327 at 11,Feb,20 10:32
We can all handle seeing each other naked. It how we all see what normal is

By spermkiss at 10,Feb,20 17:50 other posts of spermkiss 
First of all, your dick isn't all that small. Judging from your portfolio of photos it looks to be near the low end of normal and far from being a micro.

Secondly, a lot of guys with small dicks enjoy showing off their little wonders. They especially like to socialize with guys with jumbos so that everyone can readily make the comparison. I like to say that while the jumbo dicks can get a lot of attention, a guy with a small dick who has the balls to show it off and be proud of it is a bigger stud.

Thirdly, about men with micros. It seems that a disproportionately large number of bodybuilders have small dicks. Furthermore they seem to delight in showing off their small endowments. There seems to be a competition to see who has the biggest muscles and the smallest dick. Even when they are not nude, the posing attire they wear with the briefest of pouches in front readily reveal their small equipment.

So you are not weird. If you enjoy showing yourself off and socializing with men with larger dicks, do it and have fun.

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