Started by gradurgaur at 22,Mar,20 19:47  other posts of gradurgaur
Similar topics: 1.Who among your co-workers, friends, guys you know has a big SOFT cock when he takes it out at urinals ? 2.You like to see the underwear waistbands of friends, co-workers ? 3.any of your co-workers stand back and show their cock at the urinals at work ? 4.Who among your married friends, co-workers or acquaintances has a BIG SOFT COCK ? 5.In our country Healthcare is free.. What about your country? New CommentComments: |
The lives and working under the most stressful conditions you can image,ex gf doing 14 hrs shifts front line & it heartbreaking what she telling me so while everyone will appreciate all the others,people love the nhs everyone knows someone who been saved looked after since they were born,
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The NHS has thanked the British public for an “emotional” display as the nation took part in a mass round of applause for health workers on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis.
The health service’s official Twitter page carried the message “that was emotional” along with a blue heart following the incredible scenes all across the UK on Thursday night.
Up and down the country, members of the public put their hands together for the salute to NHS staff and others who have been battling the Covid-19 pandemic.
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