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Show love to healthcare workers those are the heroes

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Started by gradurgaur at 22,Mar,20 19:47  other posts of gradurgaur
First i want to give big hug and thank you for all that works in healthcare system hospital workers and doctors and nurses around the world  that have are working day and night to care for sick and the dieing I wish i can give you all a big hug you are awesome people and heroes Please stay safe...

To those that are infected with  this nasty virus around the world i wish you all speedy recovery.

To the families of the love ones that sadly has lost a love ones a family member my heart and prayers  and my thoughts goes to you in this sad time and may god watch over you all in this hard and sad times.
To the countries round the World that this virus is spreading my hope and prayers and thoughts are with you and this is the time for all of us to take good care of one and another and help the fellow man.this Virus is not going to Defined who we are as a people we are all one big family and we are all in this together and together we will over come this

please Stay safe everyone and be kind to one and another

Similar topics: 1.Who among your co-workers, friends, guys you know has a big SOFT cock when he takes it out at urinals ?   2.You like to see the underwear waistbands of friends, co-workers ?   3.any of your co-workers stand back and show their cock at the urinals at work ?   4.Who among your married friends, co-workers or acquaintances has a BIG SOFT COCK ?   5.In our country Healthcare is free.. What about your country?  

New Comment

By #516354 at 02,Apr,20 14:46
Why is it everyone seems to want to heap praise,love and thankyous etc on the doctors,nurses etc and forget all the other KEY WORKERS?Like the police,firemen,bus drivers,train drivers,delivery drivers and not forgetting the supermarket workers.If I missed anyone I apologise.
By DJS at 02,Apr,20 16:51 other posts of DJS 
I agree mate,I think its because there at the forefront off trying to save
The lives and working under the most stressful conditions you can image,ex gf doing 14 hrs shifts front line & it heartbreaking what she telling me so while everyone will appreciate all the others,people love the nhs everyone knows someone who been saved looked after since they were born,
By #516354 at 03,Apr,20 13:41
I'm not begrudging them the thank yous etc but a lot of the key workers are putting themselves in danger of catching the virus every day.A lot of people seem to be taking them for granted.
By DJS at 03,Apr,20 15:16 other posts of DJS 
I don't think so,people are saying thanks to supermarkets staff transport also,but I do agree with you that some are under the radar,care home staff,no ppe and looking after oaps who have got the virus,ambulance services etc..

By bella! at 03,Apr,20 17:58 other posts of bella! 
I think you will appreciate this! Enjoy!

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By #516354 at 04,Apr,20 14:38
Thanks bella nice to see the Americans doing things right.Over here we are bombarded with ads all about the N.H.S. and on rare occasions the key workers are recognised.
By bella! at 04,Apr,20 14:53 other posts of bella! 
Anyone that has to leave their house to preform an "essential job" IS A KEY WORKER! All key workers should be praised for keeping the world "running" and making it the best it can possibly be during these unprecedented times.
By #516354 at 05,Apr,20 03:51
That's what I was saying bella,that over here they do not get enough praise.

By #574505 at 03,Apr,20 18:06
Have 1 daughter as a Rn another Daughter and 3 granddaughters studying to be nurses so hope they stay safe..
By bella! at 03,Apr,20 18:10 other posts of bella! 
Me to. I pray for their safety.
By wycowboy at 04,Apr,20 00:17 other posts of wycowboy 
I pray for the safety of all the health care workers. Without them we would be in a lot worse shape than we are right now.

By wycowboy at 28,Mar,20 12:02 other posts of wycowboy 
My wife has been in elder care for over 30 years now and is currently the house director for a small assisted living home in a town near here. I towed our travel trailer down there a week ago so she would have something to live in just in case our governor ordered shelter in place. While i am and will continue to miss my wife we thought this was best for the care of her residents.
By bella! at 03,Apr,20 18:00 other posts of bella! 
How generous of you both!

By #608173 at 27,Mar,20 16:07
Last night 26/03/2020 at 20.00 the people of the UK came out onto the streets to show there appreciation of our NHS .

The NHS has thanked the British public for an “emotional” display as the nation took part in a mass round of applause for health workers on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis.
The health service’s official Twitter page carried the message “that was emotional” along with a blue heart following the incredible scenes all across the UK on Thursday night.
Up and down the country, members of the public put their hands together for the salute to NHS staff and others who have been battling the Covid-19 pandemic.
By bella! at 28,Mar,20 02:12 other posts of bella! 
Do you mean like this?

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By #608173 at 28,Mar,20 07:39
Yes . Scrape away the the muck from an Englishman . And you'll find where all good solid bricks the lot of us .

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