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Prefer small dicks or huge dicks?

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Started by #43638 at 09,Apr,20 07:33
What is your preference?

My exe loves my small dick as well as my wife because it hits right on their g-spot and always makes them cum.

Similar topics: 1.Big cocks for small dicks   2.Who likes really big dick?   3.Women who prefer small dicks   4.Do small or short guys have small dicks ?   5.Ladies tell us if you prefer small dicks or big dicks  

New Comment

By SluttySarah069 at 21,Jan,23 17:48 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Huge Dicks - wish mine was!

By #610414 at 21,Jan,23 16:52
Why do men agonize about their size? Size is for shoes. It’s not how big you are. What’s important is what you do with what God gave you.😈🥰

By #536019 at 02,Jan,23 12:46
Smaller to suck; bigger to stroke in a handjob.
By #463848 at 21,Jan,23 09:19
Sounds to be an interesting policy but any dick to hand is good

By Alwaysnude at 18,Jan,23 23:00 other posts of Alwaysnude 

By #677384 at 17,Jan,23 23:35
/ppgi0e11e3x6pic.htmlI prefer a nicely shaped cut mine hehe. Smooth is a big turn-on too. Small and large are both sexy...I would say I'm average

By knewbi at 17,Jan,23 21:25 other posts of knewbi 
I am just fine with normal sizes like 5 to 7 inches. But, a larger cock would be extra fun to play with. I have had smaller cocks and enjoyed them too. I have yet to meet a stiff cock that I don't like. As to the woman's G spot. My wife tells me that almost any size works. She just guides the man to the spot that she wants excited. I find that a good sex partner is not only willing to help but is active in making sure that she gets off many times during the session. ..

By cumcouplessa at 15,Jan,23 04:11 other posts of cumcouplessa 
I would have to say we both prefer smaller, but not TOO small. Nice sucking size, hard, and maybe an upward curve
By Richie at 15,Jan,23 15:26 other posts of Richie 
Is this too small for you?

By Ablaze at 03,Jan,23 13:42 other posts of Ablaze 
Huge. Fucking me long deep and hard. When I see big cock it turns me completely on. I just wanna have it inside.

By #685806 at 01,Jan,23 22:02
Prefer small nicer to suck

By nekekal at 25,Aug,20 20:47 other posts of nekekal 
I would prefer smaller. My cock is too big for sucking, fucking and assholes just pucker at the sight of it.

By heine at 25,Aug,20 08:55 other posts of heine 
small is beautyful

By #607259 at 10,Apr,20 22:30
Small is preferable

By 4everanedger at 10,Apr,20 16:48 other posts of 4everanedger 
Both, for different reasons

By #64328 at 10,Apr,20 16:07
Smaller dicks are the nicest looking.

By hytiger at 10,Apr,20 13:00 other posts of hytiger 
I really like small cocks, thinner the better too!

By earthy at 10,Apr,20 05:07 other posts of earthy 
Definitely smaller dicks, much nicer to suck. I can get the whole thing in my mouth.

By randy_candy at 10,Apr,20 05:02 other posts of randy_candy 
I prefer smaller cocks for sucking because I can't deep-throat, so to get my nose to reach their pubes while blowing them it has to be 5-inches or less long. For taking in my ass I can't take more than 7-inches all-the-way, but I like them FAT so they stretch my mancunt wide-open. 2-to-2&1/4-inches wide feels SO GOOD in my ass!
My own is 6-inches long and 1.9-inches thick. I wish I could fuck my own ass! (I have dildos for that.)

By #202392 at 09,Apr,20 19:06
I think smaller penises are nicer to look at. Especially those with a nice tight foreskin completely covering the glans

By #614673 at 09,Apr,20 14:51
Small cocks like mine

By #551147 at 09,Apr,20 07:41
3 to 6 inches

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