| When I was about 13 a neighbor friends grand parents got a pool installed at their home. Well my neighbor had his cousin a female staying with them for the summer. Well his mom took he and I his sister and cousin over yo go swimming. Well his mom made a point to tell us all to bring other clothes or wear them for the ride over because she didn't want her car seats to get wet on the ride back. So I wore my shorts and grabbed a swimsuit to take with me. Well we went to go swim and did and had fun. His sister and cousin were both my age he was about a year or so younger. After swimming for a couple of hours or so his mom came out and said ok kids lets get out change your clothes and lets get ready to go. So the girls jumped rich out the pool and headed yo the house. Well his grandmother told him and me to get the toys out of the pool so we did. After that I said ok where do we go change clothes. He said oh well there's a door under the house and we can go in there and change. Well he and I went in there and it was a mechanical room where the AC unit was. So we go in and I stripped naked not thinking anything about it. I put my bathing suit on the unit under the house and took out my dry clothes. Then I took my towel and dried off. Then I took my wet swimsuit and rolled it up in my towel still naked. So once I did that I grabbed my dry clothes and started getting dressed. Before I could get one leg in my underwear his sister and cousin walked out from the dark shadows of the part under the house and let us know they were watching. It startled me and I stood straight up and dropped my underwear and was standing there,both of them staring at me naked and ay that age my cock got hard as hell in like three seconds. He was on the other side of the unit so they couldn't see him. So they then said well are you going to get dressed. I said well that depends you two are here,you see me naked so it only fair I see you too. They were shocked,I walked toward them and said ok lets see it its only fair. His sister took off running,his cousin walked away slowly but got to the door and she flashed her tits at me. On the ride home both his sister and cousin sat on each side of me in the back seat. I had a hard cock the whole ride home with both them just staring at my crotch. It was very interesting ride. |
But I do remember one time when I was seen naked by lots of people, it was at the beach (not a nudist beach) when I was 12 years old.
We the family were on holiday and took a trip to the local beach for the day we arrived at the beach and laid out our towels and proceeded to change into our swim wear, I got undressed and then looked for my swimming trunks but could not find them. It transpired that they had been left at the campsite,
So I was sitting there on my towel naked and as it was a hot day I had only worn a pair of jogging bottoms and no pants so could not wear them instead of trunks.
So I just stayed naked all day laying on 5he towel and going into the sea for a swim.
Sadly her parents decided that they wanted to go back home to Czechoslovakia other wise who knows where it could have lead.