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Chatting about Taboo subjects

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Started by decatur212 at 11,Oct,20 17:22  other posts of decatur212
Just curious if anyone her enjoys chatting about Taboo

Similar topics: 1.Less interesting now?   2.Chatting   3.Account deleted while chatting   4.Skype/Kik contacts for sex chatting   5.****: totes my goats or sinks my boat?  

New Comment

By Cody8789 at 19,Mar,25 21:52 other posts of Cody8789 
It’s only taboo if it’s against what you believe in.

By Maxream at 13,Oct,20 09:49 other posts of Maxream 
Has anyone ever done anything taboo sexually?
By #622304 at 17,Nov,20 19:25

By wycowboy at 18,Nov,20 18:56 other posts of wycowboy 
Yes, quite a few times
By #551147 at 19,Nov,20 01:57
You ALL should probably start a "Member Group" for this sort of topic. That way! You all can speak freely because it will be a more private forum.

I mean, why risk assaulting some ❄ snowflakes ❄ delicate senses... 😈

By FunSized at 19,Mar,25 18:42 other posts of FunSized 
Sure have! 😉

By cumonme1 at 22,Nov,20 12:47 other posts of cumonme1 
okay many have tried some sexually taboo things, what was it you did that was taboo.

By #551147 at 19,Nov,20 01:58
You ALL should probably start a "Member Group" for this sort of topic. That way! You all can speak freely because it will be a more private forum.

I mean, why risk assaulting some ❄ snowflakes ❄ delicate senses... 😈
By Dev01 at 19,Nov,20 02:10 other posts of Dev01 

By #616434 at 16,Nov,20 18:38

By #600054 at 13,Oct,20 09:04

By #627604 at 12,Oct,20 18:26
Not much is taboo for me. Anything from amatuer to **** is fine with me.....

By SluttySarah069 at 12,Oct,20 14:19 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I love talking about Taboo

By #622304 at 12,Oct,20 14:15
Yes absolutely!

By #364662 at 11,Oct,20 22:58
I haven’t other than talking with others about how I think it would so exciting to grow up in that lifestyle and carry it on

By #614125 at 11,Oct,20 18:53
I do

Adult Discussion Forum