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Nivana being sued FFS

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Started by Dev01 at 26,Aug,21 03:58  other posts of Dev01
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Really!!! Just be grateful that you are on the cover of one of the most famous album covers of all time.

As for CP and abuse, Give me a fuckin break

New Comment

By Odin_york_pa at 27,Aug,21 23:52 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
He has been interviwed several times as an adult and said he doesn't mind that people know it;s him. He was just a baby then. Says it's a little weird that people seen his penis, but again as a baby and isobvivously way different now lol

By Sir-Skittles at 27,Aug,21 17:38 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Get to fuck... absolutely ridiculous.

By bella! at 27,Aug,21 15:41 other posts of bella! 
Eldon looks like he's high.

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By whatsupcocks at 27,Aug,21 02:56 other posts of whatsupcocks 
Ya now everyone will know its him. I bet Nirvana sells a few more million albums now. I Seen them a few times . I live only about 40 miles away from Aberdeen WA. Have a G Day.

By phart at 26,Aug,21 14:05 other posts of phart 
He kept retaking the picture to celebrate the albums . and now he is suddenly offended? What a wack job.
And besides, how can he really PROVE he was the baby?
I don't see much chance of success, considering he kept going back for updated pictures.

"Spencer has a Nevermind tattoo on his chest, and has recreated the shoot several times as an adult for the album’s anniversaries. He’s said his feelings on the cover are complicated"
By Dev01 at 26,Aug,21 18:29 other posts of Dev01 
Yes all seems strange

By bella! at 26,Aug,21 04:20 other posts of bella! 
That's wild! My guess is that his parent or parents signed some type of waiver and received some type of renumeration for the use of his image. Oi!
By Dev01 at 26,Aug,21 04:32 other posts of Dev01 
The prob is he is saying they did not. Money 'or lack of' makes people act funny.
--------------------------------------- added after 32 minutes

And he called it child abuse and to some extent Child Porngraphy.

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