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Michigan Members

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Started by #664709 at 15,Apr,22 18:12
Michigan Connections.
Pictures, personals, discussions

Similar topics: 1.Indiana, Michigan, or Ohio   2.Say YES to Michigan!   3.Northern Michigan Uncut   4.Guys in Michigan hmu!   5.Fellow members from northern michigan  

New Comment

By german_guy at 22,Apr,22 19:09 other posts of german_guy 
used 2 live in St. Clair Shores
By bella! at 27,Apr,22 01:38 other posts of bella! 
Interesting! Are you an American living in Germany or were you a German citizen living in the United States?
By german_guy at 27,Apr,22 19:08 other posts of german_guy 
I am a German used to live in the states
By bella! at 27,Apr,22 19:21 other posts of bella! 
Thank you. So how long did you reside in The States? And how did you like St. Clair Shores?

By #661085 at 17,Apr,22 22:54
I am in the Mt Morris area
By 2nice at 18,Apr,22 20:33 other posts of 2nice 
I used to live on the east side of the state.
By bella! at 27,Apr,22 01:37 other posts of bella! 
You did? In what city?

By Lovespie at 26,Apr,22 17:54 other posts of Lovespie 
Michigan here… only 44 today ridiculous!!!

By 2nice at 16,Apr,22 08:25 other posts of 2nice 
Michigan here.
By bella! at 16,Apr,22 19:00 other posts of bella! 
Really, you're from Michigan!?
By #664709 at 17,Apr,22 17:49
Yes. I'm in the Downriver area.
By bella! at 17,Apr,22 19:12 other posts of bella! 
Super, I'm in the up river area. Just an f.y.i., my post was directed to 2nice who posted "Michigan here."
By 2nice at 18,Apr,22 20:32 other posts of 2nice 
You know where I am, bella… But for all others, I am located in West Michigan.
By bella! at 18,Apr,22 21:02 other posts of bella! 

By #665411 at 18,Apr,22 20:59
Upper Peninsula of Michigan

By #202392 at 16,Apr,22 00:39
I'm from Michigan
By bella! at 16,Apr,22 01:07 other posts of bella! 
And there are a number of us Michiganders on the website. 👍
By dgraff at 18,Apr,22 01:34 other posts of dgraff 
Must be a lot of pervert’s in Michigan just like a lot of pervs in Pennsylvania to
By bella! at 18,Apr,22 01:47 other posts of bella! 
There are definitely more pervs in Pennsylvania!
By dgraff at 18,Apr,22 07:37 other posts of dgraff 
Ahhhahaha you’re probably right

Adult Discussion Forum