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Different items used to wank.

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Started by #544883 at 25,May,22 15:11
Am curious as to what non sex toy related items people have used or do use to play with them self's when they get horny all the way to cumming.

Heard stories of people using space hoppers, pogo sticks, bike tires, lost and found items, old school clothes, action figures and so much more.

Not looking to judge people for the items they use or how they use it or even the age range the item is for. Just in away looking for new ideas and extra fun ways to relax.

Similar topics: 1.fucking household items   2.Stuff my Cunt   3.household items to shove up your ass   4.Cum is #1 on your list of items to consume. When you can't have that, what's your #2 choice?   5.Household items for your boner /ass  

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By Mylimastuff at 10,Jun,22 02:45 other posts of Mylimastuff 
If you happen to be a handy man or shade tree mechanic, there are lots of option in you toolbox. I have some of my own ideas posted and many more that are not
By wycowboy at 10,Jun,22 16:48 other posts of wycowboy 
Yep. Screwdriver and hammer handles work pretty good.
By #544883 at 12,Jun,22 09:09
Seen vids of people doing it with the tree its self. Makes you think what has happened with a tool the next time someone asks you to pass them it.

By #664220 at 10,Jun,22 19:27
I used to have a large beanbag you sat on. I discovered it was great to get naked and hump it while laying face down on it. Felt amazing on my cock and balls. Also used pens in my ass.
By #544883 at 12,Jun,22 09:07
Do I dare ask how long ago this was?

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,May,22 16:48 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You mention some very creative solutions for people who have never heard of sex shops.
I just ordered, received and tried 2 fresh Sleeve Masturbators. That's much better than what I used in the past, living with my parents. Back then I needed to be creative and used things like rolled up foam rubber with studs, a sandwich bag and my mother's hand lotion.
By #544883 at 25,May,22 19:39
Well in away its also might be a post for some people who are not so good money wise to find ideas. We all kinda know people will rub shoes against their dicks while others with insert their dick in it and hump, people use markers as anal toys, seen baseball bats and the like being stuck up areas, gap in the fence, car doors, glasses case and so on. Hell im sure someone has even done it with a skipping rope at some point and given todays tech am sure one of those remote control arms has been used.
By Ananas2xLekker at 26,May,22 09:17 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I paid $8,54 for the one and $19,22 for the other. That's good masturbation
on a budget.

But just a bottle of lube can enhance stroking a lot.
It's recommended for anything you put in your ass too.

If poverty is so bad, that people cannot afford some sex shop products, lets discuss
the reasons for that in another topic. This topic is for masturbation tips.

Rolled up foam rubber with studs can be obtained for free. I ripped it out of a discarded speaker box. I was lucky this was good quality foam rubber. The cheap stuff would crumble into powder, if its an old speaker box.
By #544883 at 28,May,22 07:34
For a second there I thought you were going to say you did the speaker.
By Ananas2xLekker at 01,Jun,22 16:08 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Now you mention it, there are options to fuck a bass hole in a speaker box.
I never tried it, but I imagine that would give good vibrations. But no, it's just
where I found the foam rubber with studs. There are shops that sell all types
of foam rubber, but that defeats the goal of free masturbation equipment.
By #544883 at 09,Jun,22 10:48
Misread that as brass horn. Lots of things that give both bad and good vibes could be used. I mean have honestly seen vids of people using vehicle tail pipes on their own cars both with the car running and off. Would not be surprising if someone has gotten off using the vibes from a large church organ.
By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Jun,22 09:33 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
There are people who really love cars. Or they just like black dick.
By #544883 at 12,Jun,22 09:06
You can find people doing all sort of things to parts of cars these days but then again a lot of things these day have lets say other uses and thats not just cars.

By Bottimmy at 10,Jun,22 19:15 other posts of Bottimmy 
I like to straddle my footboard on my bed and let it run my asshole while I jerk. Feels really good.

By knewbi at 25,May,22 17:41 other posts of knewbi 
An e-stim (TENS) device is absolutely great. I also use the hand held shower head and spray my cock and balls. I turn the heat up slowly and continue until I can't take it any more or until I cum. I can get it real hot at times. Almost burn myself. Hand lube in a zip lock baggie as I walk around the house or wherever and when I cum there is no need to worry about a mess to clean up. Wife's cum soiled panties that she wore when she went out to fuck friends. (We are swingers and she goes out on loan with a few guys that we know sometimes.)
By #544883 at 25,May,22 19:41
No judgement here just be careful with the zip on that bag.
By knewbi at 26,May,22 21:13 other posts of knewbi 
That zip could be very uncomfortable!!!

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