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This sucks...

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Started by #700430 at 13,Aug,23 05:26
I've been having chest pains recently. Whenever my heart rate goes up, I feel a intense pressure in my chest, and my left arm gets weak. I'm going to see a doctor Monday.

As you can imagine, this has made jacking off a little difficult. Even after I cum, the uphoric afterglow, is now very painful.

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By #700430 at 25,Feb,24 06:01
Update. I has to have open heart surgery. A double bypass they call it. I've been working on and off, right now I'm in cardiac rehabilitation to get my heart strong again.

By #700430 at 14,Aug,23 18:52
In the hospital now. They are doing tests.

By nekekal at 13,Aug,23 19:27 other posts of nekekal 
That isn't good. Heart pains are never good. Sounds like afib to me. I have that. Blood pressure is good. Heart rate is too high. No blood is being pumped, so you have pain. Or maybe a blockage in a vessel. Over all good pressure but no blood going somewhere. Good luck.
By #700430 at 13,Aug,23 23:29
Afib. That's what it was called. I've heard of that. I'll mention it to the doctor.
By phart at 14,Aug,23 02:05 other posts of phart 
Just hope they actually do something for it, I thought I was having a heart attack a few years ago.went to my dr,she wasn't there and the dipshit that was hooked all kinds of wires to me, swore and be damned i was having a heart attack,gave me a bunch of nitro and said he would call a ambulance. By this time not only was i having issues but I was mad. I told the sumbitch I would take myself to the hospital ,I wasn't paying for a ambulance. I drove my Cadi to the hospital, they hooked wires up and gave me MORE nitro, I puked so violently it splattered on the wall 10 feet away.They held me over night, tried to do a stress test on the treadmill, I told them I couldn't use a treadmill because of my balance issues, they tried anyway, as soon as My feet hit it, wam on the floor I went, they charged me for it anyway.
I got the chemical test. It wound up I was doing about 165 beats a minute, they had the crash cart right out of my view, and as the chemical wore off I had 6 heated blankets on me and I was still freezing to death.
a while later a dr I couldn't understand a damn word she said, told me I had afib and gas!
sent me home and my out of pocket after insurance was about 6 grand.
To this day,no meds, no return visits, nothing.
But I deal with the fatigue and pain alot.
By #700430 at 14,Aug,23 04:26
Yikes. Hopefully my insurance pays for all of that.

By Cody8789 at 13,Aug,23 05:43 other posts of Cody8789 
Most likely your blood pressure is to blame, check your pressure,
By #700430 at 13,Aug,23 06:30
Been normal so far. But maybe I should check it next time I'm feeling it
By dgraff at 13,Aug,23 09:33 other posts of dgraff 
Definitely get it checked out you may be having a blood flow problem I had the same feeling and found out I had blood clots in my legs and lungs

By #700430 at 13,Aug,23 16:40
I just checked my blood pressure at rest, 120 over 85. Heart rate was 83.

I just went outside, did some yard work, and sure enough, my heart started to hurt. I checked again. BP 121 over 87, HR 140.

So blood pressure is fine, it's my heart rate that's the issue, it would seem.

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