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First anal/prostate orgasm

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Started by BigDaddy132 at 16,Sep,23 23:09  other posts of BigDaddy132
My wife was out of town and I had bought a rubber cock with a suction cup. I stuck it on the toilet lid and lubed it up. I slowly let it penetrate my asshole and slid down. I had only seen it in videos, never experienced anything in my ass before so I had no idea what to expect. I just started riding the cock, up and down. I didn’t take long . My cock was flopping all over and cum went flying everywhere. My legs almost went limp from that orgasm.

Similar topics: 1.Advice for prep for anal...   2.She milked my prostate!   3.Anybody had an orgasm through anal? What is the best anal toy?   4.Prostate orgasm   5.Prostate toys  

New Comment

By #715264 at 12,Sep,24 04:49
O lost a bet with a gf so she fucked my ass with her big dildo. Delete so good when she made me cum. So much she choked on it but I still covered her face. The next night I had her do it again only I got to squirt my cum in my mouth. Let her see me with my cock head in my mouth for the first time. But loved how her did felt.

By MojoMan77 at 20,Sep,23 22:14 other posts of MojoMan77 
It's an amazing feeling. I've been doing it since I was real young.

By #680818 at 17,Sep,23 19:19
Grew up in different group homes so had to suck and fuck whoever whenever, was being fucked when I was 14 or so and dribbled out some cum, best feeling I ever had,into fisting now, love it

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