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Anybody had an orgasm through anal? What is the best anal toy?

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Started by #505564 at 06,Feb,17 03:42
I want to try a butt plug or something that will give me an anal orgasm any suggestions?

Similar topics: 1.Advice for prep for anal...   2.What is anal sex really like?   3.Anal orgasms   4.First time anal   5.Serious inquiry into anal  

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By #505564 at 15,Feb,17 21:18
Anyone ever worn a butt plug to work?

By #505564 at 14,Feb,17 03:44
Sometimes I can push through the pain and take pretty large things up my ass other times I cannot

By cumonme1 at 06,Feb,17 14:37 other posts of cumonme1 
My wife fucked me in the ass a with a strap on dildo and made me cum it was great
By #505564 at 06,Feb,17 15:28
How did you convince her to do that and are you ashamed?
By spermkiss at 06,Feb,17 22:36 other posts of spermkiss 
I see you are 19 years old and identify as straight. And you're obviously interested in anal stimulation and you probably wonder what that means. Am I right?

Well, relax, buddy, it's OK. A lot of straight men are into some kind of anal pleasure. And I do mean a LOT. How many? Somewhere between a third and a half of the male population, so you've got a lot of company. So if you want to take it in the ass, either with a sex toy or even with a real dick, go for it. Do it, enjoy it and don't be in any way embarrassed or ashamed about having done it.
By #505564 at 08,Feb,17 15:54
A real dick up the ass isn't shameful?
--------------------------------------- added after 32 seconds

And how would I even meet someone to do that anonmously
By spermkiss at 08,Feb,17 17:28 other posts of spermkiss 
Of course it isn't shameful and it happens all the time. As I type this it is undoubtedly happening tens of millions of times throughout the world. Most of these men who are taking it in the ass are really enjoying it and some of them are reaching an orgasmic climax in the process.

As for meeting someone to do this to you (especially anonymously!), that's a harder question. Receptive anal intercourse is a high risk activity and it is NOT something that should be done with a casual pick-up, certainly not an anonymous pick up.
By #505564 at 08,Feb,17 18:31
Yeah but how could you be straight if you like taking dick up the ass
By spermkiss at 09,Feb,17 01:02 other posts of spermkiss 
Deriving pleasure from anal penetration and/or stimulation has nothing what-so-ever to do with sexual orientation. Read again what I said a couple of notes ago. Between a third and half of the male population does. Does this mean that many men are not straight? No, of course not.

On the other side of the coin are gay men who get little or no pleasure from anal stimulation. I am one of those men. I'm as gay as they come, but the pleasure I get from anal stimulation is so slight it is almost non-existent.

So it's all in how a man's body is built. A man can be totally straight, but if his body is built so he get pleasure from a dick in the ass, he will enjoy it.

By #208346 at 10,Feb,17 08:46
Why let a dumb label stop you from having fun?It's just sex.

By chubbyloves at 12,Feb,17 19:21 other posts of chubbyloves 
My wife did my ass with a dildo. It was fun and happened 2 times. Could tell she was not into it.

By #514308 at 12,Feb,17 07:12
My wife cums thru anal stimulation

By Wipperman at 10,Feb,17 11:26 other posts of Wipperman 
I just love my Prostate Massager makes me come so good !

By #208346 at 07,Feb,17 09:44
Try a vibrating bullet to start with.Different sizes and feel great
By #505564 at 08,Feb,17 18:31
Hmm are there certain toys that can go in and out hands free while you jerk off
By #208346 at 10,Feb,17 08:43
Haven't found one that works.A big long semi rigid dildo between your legs has the same effect,Work those hips

By #514830 at 09,Feb,17 03:38
Get a prostate massager. Google Aneros

You put it and during an orgasm you squeeze you butt and it makes your orgasms even stronger
By #505564 at 09,Feb,17 20:27
So you don't get one from just that?

By leopoldij at 06,Feb,17 04:49 other posts of leopoldij 
Any stick with smooth end will do, for example the smooth side of a spoon. Use lots of lube. Or get a butt plug. Or have your partner use her middle finger.
By #505564 at 08,Feb,17 18:46
A spoon?

By #511878 at 08,Feb,17 17:49
Toy posted on my pics will send you to the edge
By #505564 at 08,Feb,17 18:34
What is that and how much is it?

By #514663 at 07,Feb,17 03:15
I just use a basic toy it usually makes me cum from using it

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