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Degradation, why?

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Started by #688177 at 17,Sep,23 16:58
If you like being degraded & made to feel worthless, what is it you like enjoy it?
I get wanting to be used and abused, your still wanted or needed even if it's only to provide sexual pleasure.
But what is it that wants to be made to feel degraded?
Each to there own and all, If it's consensual there is no problem, this is just a question?

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By #694265 at 06,Oct,23 13:15
How about giving Admin some support 🤷‍♀️

👉 /blogs/55554.html 👈

By SLUT! at 17,Sep,23 19:34 other posts of SLUT! 
It's a Sexual Fetish.
By #688177 at 18,Sep,23 15:59
I know that, but what I don't understand is how being put down can turn someone on!
By SLUT! at 18,Sep,23 21:43 other posts of SLUT! 
It's the same question as why men get aroused when wearing lingerie, it's just a Fetish.
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By SLUT! at 19,Sep,23 09:18 other posts of SLUT! 
Another question would be: Why did you register to this site ?
Wanting to show yourself naked isn't considered "normal" behavior.
That's your Fetish you get aroused by it, like everyone here.
Don't make a big deal out of it, just live and let live
As long as you have consent, there is no problem.

By dgraff at 19,Sep,23 00:16 other posts of dgraff 
It’s a turn on alright it makes me see red when someone tries to put me down and it usually ends up with me grabbing their throat and punching them right in the mush

By Ananas2xLekker at 18,Sep,23 19:31 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
This is more a kink for powerful people.
Normal people are degraded in life, already enough.

By phart at 18,Sep,23 19:15 other posts of phart 
Simply Mental illness

Adult Discussion Forum