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Started by #681164 at 12,Nov,23 17:35
There's an abundance of "Dicks" in the site, "Bitches" too. As a rule, they are liars, cheats, uneducated, and moronic. There are also delightful women with incredible bodies and sexy dispositions. No, I'm not forgetting the men. There's plenty of friendly, sexy, smart men too.
So, what am I looking for? You choose. You have a gripe? Post here. You want to compliment someone? Post here.
Offensive crap will be deleted and earn the poster a 3 day suspension. Have fun.

Similar topics: 1.little dicks club 2   2.WHERE ARE ALL THE BABES   3.Do you know this girl   4.2 liars against the real deal.   5.Is this a gay site?  

New Comment

By #681164 at 10,Jan,24 13:58
PITBULL posted on 10,Jan,24 @06:48

The desperate Love2show2 made another fake profile to attack me. He created the fake profile on December 31, 2023. Only 12 points and no pics.
Love2show2 you are the weakest rat of this site.

I’m hurt. I thought I was the weakest rat of this site.

By #681164 at 03,Dec,23 22:34
Hey, Sir-Skittles,
You, a tranny from the Bronx that shares a cold water flat with Pitbull, are getting your undies all pissed up because of CAT?.🤣🤣🤣🤣

Oi vey.
By PITBULL at 28,Dec,23 00:30 other posts of PITBULL 
homophobic pig head
By #681164 at 29,Dec,23 16:14
Kiss my pig ass.
By PITBULL at 29,Dec,23 20:21 other posts of PITBULL 
go get a faggot like you to kiss your ass
By #681164 at 30,Dec,23 18:04
You're a faggot, let me spread it for your kiss.
--------------------------------------- added after 89 seconds

And you can spread yours so I can ram my dick so far up you'll be chocking, PITGURL.

By #681164 at 20,Dec,23 17:19
This is big. I just got notified from Pitbull.
The winner of the site Worst Member 2023 is Woody58

I’m honored.
By dgraff at 29,Dec,23 00:15 other posts of dgraff 
Congratulations 🎉🎊🍾🎈
By #681164 at 29,Dec,23 16:13
By dgraff at 30,Dec,23 12:14 other posts of dgraff 

By #681164 at 05,Dec,23 15:58
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The quality of education in this country has gone from barely adequate to poor.
By phart at 21,Dec,23 03:20 other posts of phart 
I didn't see any mention of the common core math on that page. Come to think of it,I haven't heard about it much lately either.

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I had heard way back when I was young that alot of mothers read to their babies in china and japan and that was considered part of why they were smarter.

A few years ago i was reading about this subject and the US spends the most money on education for the least positive result of any country on earth.
By #681164 at 29,Dec,23 16:16
I believe that there should be a national Department of education instead of thousands of little local ones.

By #681164 at 28,Nov,23 17:49
Influential Koch network backs Nikki Haley in GOP presidential primary.

That's something I didn't see coming.
By dgraff at 01,Dec,23 23:47 other posts of dgraff 
If she was the only Republican running i still would not vote for a woman
By phart at 02,Dec,23 03:49 other posts of phart 
i don't like her period, if she is the 1 running,i will be hard pressed not to write in someone.
By dgraff at 02,Dec,23 10:27 other posts of dgraff 
By #681164 at 02,Dec,23 20:10
I like her
By dgraff at 02,Dec,23 21:35 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha you would
By #681164 at 03,Dec,23 22:28
Hey, good looking pussy is good looking pussy. Who cares what she thinks when in bed?
By dgraff at 03,Dec,23 22:44 other posts of dgraff 
I couldn’t even tell you what she looks like most the women that run for president have bigger dicks in their pants then their husband does I’m just waiting for Mike Obama to throw her or it’s hat in the ring
By #681164 at 04,Dec,23 01:25
And that turns you off?
--------------------------------------- added after 14 minutes

I’ll tell you what really turns me off, a woman with a hairy ass.
By dgraff at 04,Dec,23 09:51 other posts of dgraff 
Oh absolutely a hairy ass on a woman

By phart at 05,Dec,23 15:09 other posts of phart 
we aren't voting for someone for president for their looks, we need brains,respect for history of all people and business sense in that office.
By #681164 at 05,Dec,23 15:36
Then why is the right bringing up that Biden looks too old to serve again?

By phart at 05,Dec,23 00:03 other posts of phart 
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By #681164 at 01,Dec,23 14:12
TheWife+Hubby posted in FREDDY’S BOX, today, 12/01/23 the following:

“Is SAGGY (cat ) the same human running woody58 , well I could bang on with facts & figures but obviously they are both using the same cracked screen iPad 🤣🤣”

That’s funny Mr Wife or Mrs Hubby. You, with your vinyl dolls and plastic dick or cunt (no one knows for sure), having all those FAKE accounts, calling our accounts fake? What a load of💩💩💩. And, while we are at it, chicken shit, you talk big hiding behind blacklisting. You are just like that shit dip Pitbull 🖕🖕🖕So, bring it on.
By Sir-Skittles at 01,Dec,23 20:44 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Be careful cuck lass Woody58 you might stroke out! Check in with the site medical officer at the rush mate!

By #681164 at 28,Nov,23 18:20
Miami, Florida is 75*F right now. Almost winter weather.

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By phart at 29,Nov,23 04:22 other posts of phart 
getting down to 24 or so in the morning,Oh boy!
got the electric dog water bucket and bed mat plugged in for the dog so he can't complain about getting cold or not getting any water.I bet a dollar though he will be in a hole he dug in the morning.I leveled the dog lot at 3 pm, He had a hole dug back in 20 minutes. You look at the dog lot and the dog is invisible. down in the ground!
By #681164 at 29,Nov,23 15:53
He stays outside?
By phart at 29,Nov,23 19:47 other posts of phart 
Yea,fenced area, with a shade awning over the lot, he is happy as a clam.ANd yes, the dumbass slept outside last night, heated dog house,with a cloth door,and he sleeps outside, If I put him in the shop on a cold night,he sleeps at the far end of the building from the wood stove.
By #681164 at 30,Nov,23 16:10
My pooch, a Black Lab mix, lives inside. We have a 30’ by 40’ fenced compound for her. Essentially it’s her bathroom. She doesn’t like South Florida heat or wet grass. She tells us when she needs to go out, then she runs back into the AC. She sleeps in our bedroom on her own pad during nights and sleeps all day in a pad in the family room.
CAT babies her. She cooks for her and that dog knows when the fridge is opened.
By phart at 30,Nov,23 17:09 other posts of phart 

The dog I have was put out at about 6 months old on the road side,I got him and the other dog took right up with him.
My other dog had to be put to sleep in 22 and now this 1 is alone.
I think the reason he was put out is he has a little bladder issue. If he gets the least bit excited, he pees. I can't leave him in a building or house for very long or he will pee and make a big mess.
If it gets below 20 i will put him in the shop with the wood heater for about 6 or 7 hours then I have to get out of bed and let him out,that's why I put the 100 dollar heated mat in his dog house along with the non freezing electric water bucket.
By #681164 at 30,Nov,23 19:26

By #681164 at 30,Nov,23 16:47
SYD Case Hearing-CAT

29,Nov,23 19:49

Clerk of the Court; This Court will have a hearing on Friday 1st December on the case of member CAT a/k/a saggy granny/queen fake profiles. She is been charged with;


Judge: Chief Justice RuFino


Hey, PITBITCH, You mean she dildo fucked you? Yeah, I can see how she’s tamponing with the evidence.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

pitbull the bitch:

[deleted image]

By #681164 at 20,Nov,23 02:27
Pitbull spreading lies again.
"In Miami this week and went to check on Hamas-Israel protesters.
We got there around noon-Saturday. We saw a lot of protesters from both sides; Jews and Palestinians. The Jews were shouting at the Hamas and the Palestinians were calling the Jews killers and destroy Israel. At the crowd, we spot it CAT. She yells; Hitler should've f-ing finished the job." It is obvious she is backing the Palestinians and Hamas."

This shit dip keeps spreading lies about a lot of members. This is a case of defamation. This member should be deleted.
By PITBULL at 20,Nov,23 03:09 other posts of PITBULL 
Moron, you don't know the meaning of defamation. Go check the law dictionary.
By #681164 at 20,Nov,23 13:40
Pitbull you are one big ignorant, dumbass. You play with a computer and don't have the marbles to Google the definition of a word. Read this:
"Defamation is a legal term for a false statement made by a person that injures another person's reputation or character. Libel is written defamation. Slander is spoken defamation."
By PITBULL at 20,Nov,23 20:57 other posts of PITBULL 
Go ahead consult with the site lawyer

By Sir-Skittles at 22,Nov,23 12:26 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
With all the Saggy Granny's racist, anti-semitic, and homophobic comments well documented, this is some BS

You stupid cunt woody58

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Nov,23 13:16 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Hey cuck lass woody58 It seems your site enjoyment factor is at an all time low. Why don't you and that old cunt Cat just delete your scummy profiles?

By Sir-Skittles at 21,Nov,23 17:56 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
woody58 Eat shit cock less cuck!

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Nov,23 13:12 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
@ woody58 Coming from someone who barely graduated from high school, this is hilarious! Everyone knows you are a window licker!

By #673378 at 23,Nov,23 09:19

By tecsan at 14,Nov,23 03:16 other posts of tecsan 
Believe your title covers everyone here!
By #681164 at 14,Nov,23 12:49
Pretty much so. Welcome to my little neck of SIO. I like your threads.

By Sir-Skittles at 21,Nov,23 17:59 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
tecsan ahhh,,, you found a friend with common interests! An old rat and his coot granny wife!
By dgraff at 22,Nov,23 00:32 other posts of dgraff 

By tecsan at 22,Nov,23 04:37 other posts of tecsan 
I see you found a friend pitbull aka piss ass freddy. Which you did advise me a while back that it is a moron. Sorry I do not know it's pronoun and frankly I do not give a shit.
By Sir-Skittles at 22,Nov,23 12:24 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Your feeble attempt to stir up trouble is pathetic...

Pitbull is an asset to the site

By Sir-Skittles at 21,Nov,23 17:59 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
This forum thread is nothing but a shit stain!

By PITBULL at 19,Nov,23 22:13 other posts of PITBULL 
Come to my page for some fun; PITBULL

By #681164 at 20,Nov,23 02:27
I don't play in pigsties
By Sir-Skittles at 21,Nov,23 17:57 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You live in a trailer park!

By #681164 at 19,Nov,23 12:44

India and Australia vie for cricket World Cup glory

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Good luck to both teams. I've tried to understand the game. Some friends from the UK tried to explain it. It didn't take.

By dedoc at 18,Nov,23 09:32 other posts of dedoc 

By #610414 at 13,Nov,23 13:48
Buchanan /member.php?w=649950, a really yummy guy, 😈🥰
By sherryann at 14,Nov,23 01:37 other posts of sherryann 
He's very nice
By #610414 at 14,Nov,23 13:46
Who's your favorite?
By sherryann at 14,Nov,23 22:26 other posts of sherryann 
They're all my favorite
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

But this makes me think I had friends here favorite friends I love but they disappeared and I wonder if they died as they just never returned & that saddens me I also emailed them (cause we were close), but never heard back.
By dgraff at 14,Nov,23 23:34 other posts of dgraff 
I still keep in touch with scorps he’s a good guy
By sherryann at 18,Nov,23 00:40 other posts of sherryann 
Oh hope he's well. I just always wonder if the person is ok once they're gone. Maybe I'm the only one but I develop real friendships with people here and it being a sex site has no bearing on those relationships one way or another.

By #610414 at 15,Nov,23 00:42
Many members have gone. I, too, miss many. This is just a porn site and it's expected.
By dgraff at 15,Nov,23 10:30 other posts of dgraff 
After 10 years I to am starting to get a little bored
And when I get bored I get into trouble
By #610414 at 15,Nov,23 11:51
Since when did you need a reason for getting into trouble?
By dgraff at 15,Nov,23 12:34 other posts of dgraff 

By #681164 at 12,Nov,23 22:56
pitbull caught in a lie:
"hey coward Woody58 unban me or I will send you 'nice gifts' to you"

I never banned him.
By PITBULL at 16,Nov,23 12:26 other posts of PITBULL 
By #681164 at 16,Nov,23 23:27
That's one
By PITBULL at 16,Nov,23 23:30 other posts of PITBULL 
get ready woody58 trash is coming your way
By #681164 at 16,Nov,23 23:57
That's two

By #681164 at 12,Nov,23 23:17
Phart I don't think you have it right.
"Liberals that support abortion ,don't value life much if any. If they actually cared about young people, they would encourage people to use protection to PREVENT instead of counting on erasing mistakes."

If you are right then explain why, every time contraception is brought up in Highschool and contraceptives are available, free, at the highschool's nurse's office, right wing concervative shoot the program down? And this is in senior year. Why is sex education classes protested by parents?
Another thing, in Ohio, 87% of the voters, a good mix of Republicans and Democrats, voted to include the right to abortion to be in their state constitution?

Phart, this might be a lie by lack of evidence and personal belief
By phart at 13,Nov,23 01:46 other posts of phart 
In case you forgot ,most kids in high school are NOT responsible adults ,therefore should not be having sex in the first place. Besides, do you want your county schools handing out condoms and then get sued when diseases are transmitted or a condom bought by the county from the lowest winning contract fails and a 14 year old has triplets? Liberals never think about legal liability until they can use it to their advantage.
As parents, would you sign a document saying if your child uses free condoms provided by the county you release them of all legal liability's? some parents would, most wouldn't as they don't want their kids acting irresponsibly in the first place and teach them so.

Ok, since this issue needs to be explained for some reason, let me see if I can use the internet to get legal advice.
I think this 1 sentence should explain the problem.
"In general, when two minors under the age of consent engage in "consensual" sex with one another, they are both open to statutory r@pe charges."

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Now with that information, let's go back to why programs get shot down.
Ok, so do you want your county, state and federal government encouraging statutory ra-e? that is what you would be asking the county or state to do if you ask them to provide any thing to make sexual activity possible.
Yes I know, the way you are looking at it is giving them a rubber is far cheaper, safer and etc than not,and given the choice of the lesser evils I would have to agree with you.. but there is so many issues at play here, it is much safer, cheaper and easier for the entire system to teach behaving themselves instead of screwing.--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutesHere is a now defunct contract for my state for condom providers.
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things like this are put up for bid, the cheapest "company" gets the win and then they provide the cheapest shit they can find.
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Instead of Trojan, or other quality brands, the winning contractor would buy 60,000 of these for example, then they would be passed out to your children to put their trust into.
By the way, these are VEGAN for the modern students!
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By #681164 at 13,Nov,23 17:33
What they should or shouldn't be doing has no bearing on what they do. When I was attending highschool almost 60 yrs ago, we used to compare notes on who got "lucky" during the last date. Even then, when getting condoms was difficult for **** boys, we still found ways of doing so.
You are missing the point. Weather you like it or not. Weather they should or they shouldn't. Some students will have sex and it's preferable for them to have safe sex than have a pregnancy or an STD. The first one usually ends with an aborted pregnancy no matter the political views of the parents.

Legal liability would be covered by countywide insurance carried by the locall school board. You can't take into concideration what the letigious outcome would be when you are trying to keep children from ruining their lives or the ending of a life. Also, just think of the cost of taking care of a new born on the county's finances if the mother abandons the child.

Yes, I would release the school/county from any liability, but, no school board would ask that. The release would be in the nature of:
"The school board will be offering a course on sexual education next year for seniors. Due to the delicate subject, we would need a sign concent form before your child can participate. It's been found that nationally, such programs teach teens the dangers of unprotected sex. This course will advice/teach students about human sexual anatomy, how reproduction works, what STDs are and how to prevent pregnancies.
The individual nurses will be able to answer any personal questions a student will have. Please provide this signed release by xx/xx/xxxx. Thank you.
The Xyztb County School Board."

The handing out of condoms would be a private matter between nurse and student and HIPA procedures would come into effect unless something else is legislated.

Statutory **** is the furthest thing from the mind of two horny teens in the back seat of Daddy's car.
I can't even imagine why you would not think this out. Don't they have teen pregnancies in your part of the world?

Giving a student a rubber and telling him/her to keep it until they need it and that abstention is the smart way to go, is not encouraging a teen to have sex. It's saying, "We can't stop you from having sex, but, if you are, do it in a safe way. The correct way is to wait until it's appropriate. Remember, technically, it's illegal."
How would you teach a bunch of testosterone overloaded male teens that they should behave themselves and leave the girls alone?
I know. You probably want for every student to be fitted with a lockable cock cage or chastity belt and the parents keep the key. Right?

First, Phart, procurement procedures are universal for any government procurement office. it's always the cheapest, but, the supplyer has to provide proof they meet specifications.
Second, the handing out of condoms is not a "one for everybody" type of program. It's on an individual basis.
By phart at 14,Nov,23 00:59 other posts of phart 
No reason for it to be private that a condom is given to a **** person. NO reason. Parents should be aware.
By #681164 at 15,Nov,23 21:22
If students learn that their parents would be notified, they would not use the school nurse for advice, and that is very important. Getting prophylactics is as easy as going to Wallymart's pharmacy or any other major pharmacy and getting them off of a shelf rack and going through the self checkout.
This is better than nothing but then they don't get advice and printed material to let them make good choices.
I would think that if a parent is really in sinc with his child, then the child would feel comfortable going to his parent for advice and condoms or the pill. If the student does not feel comfortable, then the parent should not be told automatically.

By #681164 at 12,Nov,23 23:06
RoseInBloom is a beautiful woman and a sweet person too. Rose is recovering from a medical procedure and she deserves our prayers and good wishes. Let her know you care.
By phart at 13,Nov,23 01:47 other posts of phart 
I don't know her but hope she gets well soon.

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