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first sex experience

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Started by Fitturkish at 07,Feb,24 17:04  other posts of Fitturkish
Tell your first sex experience how old were u? What did u do?
With who?

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By Smoothsilk at 01,Oct,24 00:24 other posts of Smoothsilk 
Ate Linda’s pussy at the drive-in…10 th grade. A few weeks later she was giving me excellent blow jobs.

By #715264 at 30,Sep,24 08:07
I was 10 .as I stayed at a friend's one night he asked why my duck was much bigger then he asked to see my young dick he looked rubbed on it then without a glance he was sucking my cock and squeezing my balls..since it felt good I decided I wanted to see what it was like.jis dick was only 3 inches hard but I liked sucking it and his smooth balls..neither of us could cum but the feeling was there.we was always hiding and sucking each other.rubbed cocks are each other's ass but never once did we fuck each other.qe fingered each other's ass and would see how many fingers we could use.on each other and ourselves..he moved away and I wanted my dick sucked so I figured out a way to suck my own cock..fucking loved it and it didn't take me long to give myself one hell of a nlowjob and blow cum all over my face and down my tasting my cum and sucking myself still today.

By lovetolickyou at 31,Aug,24 06:26 other posts of lovetolickyou 
My first sex experience with another person was unexpected....Two older girls forced me to jerk off while they watched. The story of that is written up in my blog, titled An early experience. /blogs/56556.html

By #711188 at 24,Aug,24 17:35
My first experience was with a friend, when I was 12 years old. At that time I had already had my first ejaculation. We masturbated each other, I came, but he still couldn't cum. It was then that I discovered I was bisexual.
I didn't have frequent sex until I was 23, almost always with women.

By j0shua at 24,Aug,24 11:09 other posts of j0shua 
When I was 12 I caught my friends older brother watching porn, didn't really understand it but I was bored and wanted to hang out. Eventually he convinced me to try what we were watching and he fucked me on his bed.

By Smoothsilk at 23,Aug,24 01:19 other posts of Smoothsilk 
Dry humping at the drive-in or while dancing and cumming in my pants.

By #711801 at 18,Aug,24 12:16
In 2nd grade id skip school go to my Buddy house... Locke the doors run to his room it took drop my pants he does too I'm on my knees hands on my dick sucking his super soft sweet foreskin .... We got caught...damn....

By #715400 at 17,Aug,24 06:06
Well I was 10 it was With my friend old brother chirs he was 19 he fucked my throat deep and piss down my throat i swallowed his cum

By #719542 at 17,Aug,24 01:11
Member wirda is a fake profile, that is being run by this man 👇 presenting the profile as female with his revenge porn.

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For all the details & FACTS regarding this case tap the following link:

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Fake Ref No:FA0010

By #690553 at 21,Apr,24 13:51
With blowjob I was 10 years with bunch of 15 years old

With sex, I was 13 years old and I was contemplating who to have sex with out of the 2 guys I was seeing

It didn’t feel fair so I end up having sex with both of them

By nekekal at 20,Apr,24 20:24 other posts of nekekal 
I don't know what counts. My first sexual encounter was with myself. I played with my penis for as long as I can remember.

I also shared a bedroom with my older brother and we played with each other almost every night. He had a tiny penis, I had a big one. His hands fit my penis and I could jack him off.

I was involved in some circle jerks while in high school. Just our own cocks. No touching others.

After high school I made a trip to San Francisco to see a friend and we masturbated each other to orgasm. That probably counts. I was 17.

By 18, I found a woman to fuck. After that there were a number of sexual encounters. Both genders.

By ThickBigDick at 19,Apr,24 11:46 other posts of ThickBigDick 
Had my first jerk off buddy at 12 friend was age 17 Want to hear the whole story? Skype name Soi 007 just TALK or CAM

By #711401 at 18,Apr,24 14:03
Wanking when I was six. Sucked off a much older neighbour at eleven.

By Maxwell_93 at 25,Feb,24 02:39 other posts of Maxwell_93 
When I was of age, with a little older goth girl who knew what she was doing. I think she wanted it more than me, cause she proposed it and took charge in an instant

By gayguy at 25,Feb,24 01:48 other posts of gayguy 
I had sex with a girl when I was 10years old I didn't get into men until my 30's, no longer interested in women, give me men all day

By thicknsmooth at 22,Feb,24 04:50 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Well my first time experience with another boy was the summer I was 8 years old. I was obsessed with my own dick and balls and was very curious of the other boys. I got my first chance with another boy the same age we sucked each other’s dicks and explored our bodies. I fell in love with the taste of another dick and never stopped from that day on.

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