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The Saggy Granny and Chuckles- The aftermath!

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Started by Sir-Skittles at 21,May,24 10:39  other posts of Sir-Skittles
20 May, 2024

Saggy Granny trailer park

Yesterday was a VERY tough day for these two old rats. After self-detonating their scummy profiles last week, they made their big "comeback." It is not last long.

Saggy and Chuckles were under heavy attack upon arrival. Alienating the site with their BS, fake pics, and dubious past.

Saggy flamed out first. She was never much for stamina having lived most of her life on a sofa. The old bird just could not hang.

Chuckles last a full day after his slag left.

Our reporters stated they had taken their computers and used power drills on the hard drives. They even went so far as to burn their computers in the trailer park trash pit. I wonder why?

Charlie could be heard screaming at Saggy- "you stupid bitch! How could you be such a fucking stupid monkey fucker and put your license for everyone to see?!"

It got much worse throughout the day. Chuckles gave Saggy a verbal lashing before his beers kicked in. That's when Saggy got a frying pan to the back of her head. The thunk could be heard throughout the trailer park.

All members should be on the lookout for these scummy cunts.

This song was heard playing on repeat::

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Similar topics: 1.The Saggy Granny- Twowarmstts2 aka Hotpussy   2.Have you been banned by the Saggy Granny? If so, why?   3.A Saggy Granny Christmas Poll!   4.Ding dong ding ding- Saggy Granny is gone!!   5.The Saggy Granny- now member #610414  

New Comment

By tecsan at 22,May,24 02:52 other posts of tecsan 
Cute and funny.

By phart at 21,May,24 12:59 other posts of phart 
Gone? Yea right. If you think she is "gone" from the site, I have some nice beach front property in Idaho I will sell you CHEAP
By Sir-Skittles at 21,May,24 16:34 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
She won’t be able to show her rat cunt pics

By PITBULL at 21,May,24 10:54 other posts of PITBULL 
They should not return
By Sir-Skittles at 21,May,24 11:26 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Chuckles HATES this show and hates this song!

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By PITBULL at 21,May,24 11:34 other posts of PITBULL 
bad boy is gone from this site for good

By AngelofDeath at 21,May,24 13:19 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Hopefully the probation officer throws him in the slammer. Fucking sick ass P3do$ like that need to be put down.

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