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Site is lucky to be alive with the pics without permission from the fuckers pretending

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Started by Abrat at 02,Aug,24 11:46  other posts of Abrat
Wtf , mostly fake females here what a joke no verification

Similar topics: 1.To all girls here... (and why not, the ones pretending to be too)   2.fake accounts   3.How dare you post face pics of others?   4.The "web derived images" issue   5.Fake Hunters  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 03,Aug,24 00:51 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
abrat eat your own ass cunt!
By tecsan at 03,Aug,24 03:58 other posts of tecsan 
But he is right and they are not interested in verification.
By #719542 at 04,Aug,24 04:20
Fuck off tecsan you little germ, did your wife let you out of your cage again

By #719542 at 02,Aug,24 13:42
There are verified profile's here as well, the verification process here is very loose, one of the most prominent profiles here that is verified is clearly fake.
By bella! at 02,Aug,24 20:51 other posts of bella! 
Oh heck, you're bringing to mind *lix*. It was my decision to not utter her name and when I referred to her, I referred to her as the "prominent member". Has she returned? If not, who is/what is the screen name of the "prominent profile" you refer to?

If you feel there are fake profiles here, report them but make sure you have irrefutable proof and let's see what happens.
By Sir-Skittles at 03,Aug,24 11:26 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Lix was real- real fat! A true slob that lurked the back alleys of Doyalston. Used to work the car park at Big Prawn looking for truck dick

By #719542 at 03,Aug,24 11:56
your a funny cuntie Skits

By CAT52! at 02,Aug,24 15:44 other posts of CAT52! 
Why do you care? You are in it for the pics to wank to.

By #719542 at 02,Aug,24 13:37
Grainy screen shotted content is another tell tail, there are other ways to tell a fake, males speak much different than a female as another example & any a ledged female profile saying things like "share my content everywhere I am a complete whore" 99% of the time is a male sharing hate for the female that's being shown within the profile 🤷‍♂️

By #719542 at 02,Aug,24 13:33
/member.php?w=719817 here is one example of many, usually if it is a newer profile showing a lot of content, it is fake, but there are also many older fakes here that remain unchallenged by the the "review board" here that fly under the radar because these types of profile's, DON'T claim ownership of the content they show, so the "review board" is totally useless in my opinion 🤷‍♂️

By #719542 at 02,Aug,24 13:25
Most of the a ledged "female" profiles here are fake, its either hate/revenge or internet downloads, its a well know fact here, this particular profile I have is new, but I am a veteran that has been in & out of this place for well over a decade now 🤷‍♂️

Adult Discussion Forum