Recent Posts of member #610414


By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 17:00
And you will be a major patron sucking o Willy's willy?

By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 16:58
Maybe. I don't have any info on that, Leo, but, the caliber of the local people as to what constitutes pride in their surroundings has a huge effect. You take two different places with identical demographics and one may be a dump and the other a good place to raise a family.

By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 16:53
In the first part "it advocates". Do you need the definition for advocates?

In the second part, those are established separations between electrical transmission lines. What's wrong with that?

By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 16:49
Biden is out of the picture so let's stick with the Clown.
The state of New York says that "leisure and hospitality" companies like Trump's typically have a 1.5 multiplier effect.
Using that multiplier, the Trump Organization is responsible for about 34,000 jobs.
Related: Everything you want to know about Donald Trump's bankruptcies
This is a rough estimate. There are arguments to be made that it should be higher or lower.
Trump has acquired some existing properties, so one could argue he didn't create those jobs. He has also filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times for some of his properties, mostly in Atlantic City.
The hotels were still able to operate in bankruptcy, but Trump Plaza in Atlantic City did close in 2014, costing about 1,000 jobs.

Did he avoid going to Viet Nam? Yes, but, at the time, many young men did the same. Did it matter? I don't think so, but, it does rub the wrong way how he denigrates and disrespects those that gave their all for this country. For an ex Commander in Chief and someone trying to be one again, it's a disgrace. So, if the only thing that matters to you about how to do something for your country is a monetary gain, then, Sir, I submit that your love for this country is very small.

By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 16:12
Jamie, what you need is for your partner to play with you while you post in the forums. Getting head while typing that Tacos are the best Mexican food can make it very exciting.

By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 16:07
How true, yet, millions of people decry it. At the bottom is greed and ignorance.

By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 16:04
Evangelicals and Christians are diametrically opposite to each other.

By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 16:01
Did you remember to hit "Change Profile" at the bottom of the page b4 leaving page?

By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 15:58

By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 15:57
Just more BS from the Clown's campaign

By #610414 at 07,Sep,24 15:53
Well, Phart, hear this. As Bella pointed out in her other thread, there's this pesky document know as The Constitution of the United States. In it there are several freedoms that are guaranteed to all. One of these says (I'm paraphrasing), "● Freedom of speech: Free speech is necessary for the discovery of truth and the rejection of falsehood."
This allowed people to say or put down in writing whatever they fee they want to say without fear of being incarcerated.
The best law enforcement can do is monitor the individual and that is only slightly better than trying to stop the ocean tides.
Another freedom is the right to bear arms. No one remembers that the second part to that freedom is, "in order to maintain a well regulated militia".
You put these two "freedoms" together and that's how these tragedies come about.
Now, no one is naive enough to believe that these tragedies can be fully stopped. I don't think so either, but, regulation of firearms can certainly reduce the amount of casualties and/or number of such calamities. Even you have to admit that you can kil.l more children with a high capacity semiautomatic rifle than with a regular weapon.

BOTTOM LINE, unless we become an authoritarian country where freedoms don't exist, or we need to regulate the TOOLS of all this kill,ling.

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 15:46
Dgraff so you are bound and determined to keeping me here, on this thread, by bating me? 😝

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 15:43
Nah, Skittles would never do that.

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 15:42
Being allowed to happen? What do you suggest be done? Lock up the kid on a hunch? Allowed to happen. Yikes!

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 12:48
I’m glad you guys are having a good time after 4 people including 2 children were murder,ed.

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 12:45
Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei has died days after being doused in petrol and set on fire by a former boyfriend.
The 33-year-old Ugandan marathon runner, who competed in the recent Paris Olympics, had suffered extensive burns after Sunday's attack.

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Men are beasts.

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 12:33
Not talking to the media? What are all those speeches telling everyone what she stands for and what she wants to do called?

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 12:31
First question
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Second question
He’s due to be sentenced on Sept 18th
--------------------------------------- added after 52 hours

New info. Sentencing moved to after the election

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 12:24
Phart are you listening to yourself?
“ School kids are being used to help achieve gun control.”
In what Bizarro universe do you live in? When everyone wants our kids to be safe from gun violence you are suggesting there’s a movement to have school children to promote gun control?
I just don’t have the words to express my outrage.

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 12:17
Show us where that is written

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 12:15
Says who, Phart?

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 12:14

By #610414 at 05,Sep,24 12:13

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 23:52
In 2020, in wake of the George Floyd protests and subsequent public reconciliation of systematic racism in public history, the Sierra Club described their own early history as intermingled with racism.[11] In particular, the early Sierra Club favored the needs of white members to the exclusion of people of color, and Muir and some of his associates, such as Joseph LeConte, David Starr Jordan, and Henry Fairfield Osborn were closely related to the early eugenics movement in the United States.[11][12] Michael Brune, writing as the executive director of the Sierra Club, disavowed founder John Muir in the summer of 2020,[13] but some board members said Brune's characterization of Muir was not representative of the organization.[14]

Hear hear. BTW, the organization is committed to saving the environment through proper management of US public lands. This is good and in no way does it get involved in the stupid Republican politics.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 18:46
True, Ananas.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 18:45
I’m so sorry. My heart goes out for the victims and their families.
Now, back to reality. It was expected, if not there, then somewhere. Let’s see the next time will be in about two weeks. Repeating in a normal pattern as long as this country continues with this adoration of the gun.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 18:40
Phart, her proposals are all over the media. Even on FOX.
Maybe you want a manifesto like PROJECT 2025?

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 18:38
The bullshit is in history. Try it sometime. You think you are the only one wit eyes and ears? You think you are the only one that lived through those times? Biden may not have carried a riffle but he’s certainly gave a whole lifetime of service to the nation. What did the Clown do?
The White House after the Biden’s won’t smell any worse than after four years of farting Trump.
You know, Dgraff, having a political opinion about a president or party is ok. Trying to convince other people you are right by being uncouth is not. Take it from someone that knows it first hand.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 18:29
How come Trumpsters are the only ones that believe that. Get your head out of the sand. Everyone pretty much agrees, the 2020 elections were fair and the outcome was the right one.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 18:25
Boundaries can be set without religion. A village can come to agreement for how the residents should act.
Don’t commit adultery..can lead to killing
Do not kill…not good for victims
Don’t steal…it’s not nice
Don’t bear false witness….someone’s uncle could end up in jail
Honor your parents…why shouldn’t you be thankful for bringing you up
I think that’s enough. You don’t need religion to be a decent human being and for a community to be supportive of its people.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 18:16
I bet he didn’t drive through Central Park or 5th avenue or in front of the Trump Tower.
Traditionally, the harbor areas of a city are not the best areas to make an opinion on the beauty of a city.
Let’s see now. This friend is the 12357 one that has made the case for you. How many more “friends” do you have?

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 15:20
Pitbull you posted on your thread:

“ I have questions for Trump's supporters: what will you do if Trump loses the election? Do you plan to go back to the US Capitol again?‘

May I remind that the sitting president can declare martial law and put thousands in detention?

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 15:12
One of the benefits of living in a democracy is that you are NOT REQUIRED to go anywhere you don’t want to.
Now let me ask you, did you visit the Empire State Building? How about Central Park? Did you visit the Guggenheim Museum? The building was designed by Frank Loyd Wright. How about the American Museum of Natural History? Did you drive the Lincoln tunnel? How about did you cross the Washington bridge? Did you visit Times Square?
There are a million places to visit in The Big Apple. Yes, it’s trashy in/ some areas and public transportation can be iffy, but, I’ve always had a great time there.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 15:03
Yes, Phart. As always you are in denial.
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This organization is not political except in helping children from everywhere. You are too jaded and have a narrow view of life. When you spit it must be vinegar.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 14:55
Sure, life was better. This is pre-pandemic
Economic costs of the trade war

The trade war caused economic pain on both sides and led to diversion of trade flows away from both China and the United States. As described by Heather Long at the Washington Post, “U.S. economic growth slowed, business investment froze, and companies didn’t hire as many people. Across the nation, a lot of farmers went bankrupt, and the manufacturing and freight transportation sectors have hit lows not seen since the last recession. Trump’s actions amounted to one of the largest tax increases in years.”
--------------------------------------- added after 114 seconds

Bottom line, no toilet paper. He took a bullet because HE WAS THERE. Old Foot Spurs would never put his ass on the line on purpose.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 13:54
It’s not totally “down”. It’s a neighborhood of immigrants and most of the businesses are small shops. It has a good nightlife and parts are really nice, but, decay is part of all communities.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 13:46
👍👍but, it’s always good to know what the other side is thinking.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 13:42
Tecsan who cares about a lame duck president with only four and a half months left in his presidency?
Tampon Tim knocked up the granny? A pussy or a cock? Can’t have it both ways. Seriously, I can say Trump is a convicted felon, 34 times. I can say he was found responsible for sexually assaulting a woman, and I can say he’s facing charges for fostering an insurrection. I can also say that Harris DID give an interview.
I agree, due to his age and past positions in government, Trump won’t serve a day in jail, but, just from his appearance at some of his rallies, he’s heading to an old age home, too.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 13:29
Sounds like history is repeating itself……..if you believe. S🤣🤣

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 13:25
Dgraff, you posted:
“I don’t care about all that I see it differently and besides after seeing with my own eyes how sneaky the democrats are for instance like cat i will never believe a word that comes out of their mouths none of them”
CAT here:
I don’t care what you, Dgraff, believe or don’t about Democrats and me, but, I can safely say that you, Clown followers, don’t have a lock on honesty. Just look at this speech by Trumpo in June of this year.
In the first 3 yrs of his failed presidency he racked up over 30,000 falsehoods. The bad part is that you followers picked up those lies and ran with them.
And you have the gall to call us liars. You saw it with your own two eyes? I respectfully suggest your old PR lover pocked you in the eye when you were trying to give him a BJ.

Look at this, Dgraff
Donald Trump made at least 30 false statements during an hour-and-a-half-long speech in Racine, Wisconsin.

Edith Olmsted
June 19, 2024 @ 10:45 a.m. ET

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“It’s pretty well-documented that Donald Trump is a liar, but the rate at which he lies is actually sort of impressive. At a rally in Racine, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, the former president delivered a ranting and rambling speech that lasted about an hour and a half—and was filled to the brim with false statements.”

You also posted a response to Ananas2xlekker.
“Sorry they lied to me to many times (Democrats) just look at all the sneaky bull shit that has gone on just in my life time don’t forget i was at one time a democrat”

I don’t doubt you were a Democrat at one time, however, what type were you? They were your party as long as your pockets were lined with greenbacks. You never cared about anyone else and you don’t now. You are a lie just like the Clown. 👿

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 01:52
Dgraff you qualify for a "medical card", but, what's your deductible, your share?

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 01:50
Trump is losing it. He's crooked as hell but the worse is his age. He's senile. Too bad. He won't know how to act in prison.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 01:48
Hey liberals, you want to live in a utopian environment? Sounds like New york is becoming your dream shit hole!
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Are you familiar with the area? I am. Jackson Heights used to be a fairly nice place 65 yrs ago. Now it's a dump. So? A huge metropolis like New York city is no different from other big cities. It has good place and bad places.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 01:39

A proposition by the late Christopher Hitchens:

There are 2 possibilities:
1) Humanity made God
2) God made humanity

I agree with you. #1 is the most logical.
I also believe that Evangelicals have destroyed the fiber of US politics. They are plague on society.

By #610414 at 04,Sep,24 01:34
Dgraff, you posted this:
"I just looked at a flyer for our next president trump it had his whole agenda on it but I must’ve thrown it away already one of his plans was to fix the economy and get rid of this horrible inflation then housing and rent will come back down along with everything else that sounds like a plan to me not like some dumb cunt saying she will start fixing everything on day one if she is elected well bitch what have you been doing the last 3 1/2 years sitting on your ass doing drugs with Biden’s son"
Inflation is in the 3% mark. The stock market is at least 50% higher than in pre-pandemic 2019. The unemployment rate is the lowest in years. There are few shortages. Housing and rent aretwo things that people are getting gouged in. You also forget that as a Vice President she had to support her boss.
Now, tell me how, exactly, do you know she was getting high with Hunter. And, also, what is she supposed to say. On my first day, if elected, I'm going to start a sewing circle?
Trump is going down in more ways than in an election, and then we'll have 8 yrs of Democrats. Maybe 12. We might be able to finally remove Trump's stench from our politics.

By #610414 at 03,Sep,24 23:33
Trump has only one plan. Get elected and pardon himself. Sorry Bela!, I didn't mean intrude.

By #610414 at 03,Sep,24 23:32

By #610414 at 03,Sep,24 23:28
The majority of Americans want even higher amounts of food aid for struggling families, according to a new poll from the Save the Children Action Network.

The survey, shared exclusively to The Hill, could be a warning sign for conservatives seeking to cut payments under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) as part of the discussion on a new farm bill this year.

By #610414 at 02,Sep,24 16:20
We finally see @Skittles@ as he truly is. 🤣😈

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By #610414 at 01,Sep,24 22:33
Phart, this is from Florida. I checked with New York and it's similar.

Can you own a home in Florida and still get food stamps?
Assets - Most food assistance households may have assets such as vehicles, bank accounts, or property and still get help. Households with a disqualified member must meet an asset limit of $2,500 ($3,750 if the household contains an elderly or disabled member.

I don't know the circumstances of your friend, but, in my state, the above applies and since SNAP is a federal program administered by the states, I'm assuming it's the same everywhere.