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sucking the own glans

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Started by petunia51 at 18,Aug,24 15:59  other posts of petunia51
Hi! Who can put their own glans in their mouth and suck on it? Unfortunately I can't do it! Can you show pics?

Similar topics: 1.uncut penis glans vs cut penis glans   2.Glans type 22 yo   3.Small foreskin   4.As square shaped glans as possible?   5.When do you skin it back?  

New Comment

By doedeldi at 22,Sep,24 13:19 other posts of doedeldi 
Ich konnte meine Eichel frŅŒher mit der Zunge erreichen. Heute leider nicht mehr.

By thicknsmooth at 10,Sep,24 04:51 other posts of thicknsmooth 
When I was a young teenager age 13 I was skinny and limber enough to be able to suck on my cock. I kept practicing and I was finally able to suck on the head and eventually I was able to get to my circumcision scar on my shaft. I would suck it until I would cum in my mouth I loved it so much that I was hooked on doing it every night. By the time I was 17 I had to stop because it was hurting my back I miss those days

By shakedown at 02,Sep,24 13:09 other posts of shakedown 
Tried a lot, never quite managed it. Dreamt about it though, it was awesome!

By wycowboy at 19,Aug,24 14:53 other posts of wycowboy 
When I was in high school and a bit after and I was limber from always stretching for rodeos and in the Marine Corps I could just tongue the tip of my cock. Now that I haven't stretched in years and weigh 300 pounds there is no way I could get even close. I wish I still could though.
By Jamie at 29,Aug,24 18:29 other posts of Jamie 
I wonder how it feels to suck your own cock .if Icould I wouldn't go out looking for cocks.
By wycowboy at 30,Aug,24 14:53 other posts of wycowboy 
It feels awesome. I was thinner back then, about 185 and 71 inches tall and in very good shape from riding bulls in rodeos. I also had to stretch a lot for riding, football etc. Even if I got back down to 185 I couldn't come even close to the tip, not limber enough.

So, boys, eben if you only have a 6 inch cock like I do keep trying, maybe you can suck the glans like I once could
By Jamie at 30,Aug,24 15:27 other posts of Jamie 
Wish I would have suck my cock when I was younger

By nekekal at 29,Aug,24 18:14 other posts of nekekal 
My cock is pretty big and even though I am not very flexible I could get the head into my mouth and suck it. I didn't even try this until after I got my first blow job since I didn't know how good it could feel, but then found that on a bed next to a wall, I could suck my own cock.

But in that position, it just wasn't great. I tried a few times, but spent my time looking for someone else to suck it for me.

By knewbi at 18,Aug,24 21:15 other posts of knewbi 
I know how you feel... Wish that I was able to do that too. Over the years I have tried with the closest that I could get was my tongue tip just touching the tip of the head... Thought that I was on to something but I never got any closer. Not from lack of trying though....
By Homer33 at 19,Aug,24 14:00 other posts of Homer33 
Same here if I was 17-20 I could do the same

By Jamie at 19,Aug,24 11:13 other posts of Jamie 
I wish [deleted image]

By Gulpereel at 18,Aug,24 21:43 other posts of Gulpereel 
I wish

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