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Started by Tobes at 25,Mar,10 13:01  other posts of Tobes
I just thought I would post a topic to tell people that I think I'm going to grow back the pubic hairs above my penis. I'm still going to keep the hairs on and around my balls shaved as I love the silky smooth feel around there. I have forgotten what it's like to have any pubic hairs of decent length so I'd like them back for a while. I'm going to post a couple of new pics a week as the hairs progress.

So what do people think? I mean of my dick and growing back the pubes?

Similar topics: 1.Guys who shave off their pubic hairs and have girlfriends who love it!!!   2.STRAY PUBIC HAIRS   3.Ohh shit!   4.Women Only   5.If you feel like you have no power...  

New Comment

By #41405 at 18,May,10 21:06
i like let pubes grow naturally. it's looks good on you

By Tobes at 18,May,10 10:12 other posts of Tobes 
Sorry everyone. Been so busy this past couple of weeks. Here's how it's looking after week 8: -

[deleted image]

By Tobes at 26,Apr,10 12:25 other posts of Tobes 
Sorry everyone. I've been travelling lately and didn't get chance to uplaod a week 4 pic.

This is how my pubes look after week 5: -
[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 04,May,10 05:31 other posts of spermkiss 
Aren't we due for another photo? I want to see how the hair re-growing is progressing.

By pifad at 24,Apr,10 15:52 other posts of pifad 
Keep at it. Loving the transformation and anticipating the nest around your cock and balls

By Tobes at 14,Apr,10 14:38 other posts of Tobes 
And just so that everyone can see the differene, here's all the pics together: -

[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 20,Apr,10 19:38 other posts of spermkiss 
We're approaching week four. I want to see how things are growing.

By Tobes at 14,Apr,10 14:34 other posts of Tobes 
Week 3 - Sorry it's a bit late this week

By spermkiss at 14,Apr,10 16:09 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, this looks about right. By week three it's beginning to look like a very short bush instead of like grown out stubble.

By Tobes at 14,Apr,10 14:43 other posts of Tobes 
I think this one shows it better.
[deleted image]

By Tobes at 06,Apr,10 03:23 other posts of Tobes 
Week 2 - I think it will be more noticable next week.

[deleted image]
By Sharkie at 06,Apr,10 11:18 other posts of Sharkie 
I personally prefer pubes, but some cocks doesnt look to bad shaven. I think a nice cock such as yours would look stunning with some nice pubes. Have a look at my unshaven cock, tell me what you think.

By spermkiss at 14,Apr,10 03:22 other posts of spermkiss 
Coming up on week three. Don't forget.

By MoeJoe at 25,Mar,10 19:24 other posts of MoeJoe 
If you are going to give us a weekly update show us the same pose each time so we can get a good feel for the changes.....
By Tobes at 27,Mar,10 14:18 other posts of Tobes 
Hmm, that's quite a good idea. Do you prefer pictures of it hard or soft?
By MoeJoe at 05,Apr,10 08:48 other posts of MoeJoe 
I prefer soft, but hard is nice too.

By Tobes at 29,Mar,10 12:37 other posts of Tobes 
This is the pic for end of week 1. Not much difference yet.

By spermkiss at 29,Mar,10 16:26 other posts of spermkiss 
Speaking as someone who has shaved off and grown back his pubic hair numerous times (before I went with permanent laser removal), this looks about normal for a one week growth. My experience was that it generally took six to eight weeks for full growth. Please keep the photos coming, it will be interesting and fun to watch the progress. 'Brings back memories.

By spermkiss at 05,Apr,10 06:53 other posts of spermkiss 
Coming up on week two. Don't forget to post.

By #64124 at 26,Mar,10 16:57
grow it back hun, I love to see a cock sticking out a nice bush, esp if its dark hair. X
By Tobes at 27,Mar,10 14:26 other posts of Tobes 
Yes. They are dark!

By pifad at 26,Mar,10 16:17 other posts of pifad 
I like your dick. I love hair so I say grow it back.

By spermkiss at 25,Mar,10 17:06 other posts of spermkiss 
If growing back your hair is something you want to do, go for it. It's your body and your hair and you can do whatever you want with it. Body shaving is something I did for years (since before it was trendy) and sometimes I'd stop and let my hair grow back. I suspect that your reaction will be the same as mine always was. It looks and feels (especially feels) so good being hairless that you want to get out the razor. By the way, you have a fine body and a fine dick and I'd take you either way, hairy or hairless.

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