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Why do people lie about their age on SYD?

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Started by #66318 at 07,Apr,10 16:45
I have been on this site for quite a few days now, and it is quite obvious that some people lie about their age. By what I see, these people make their age much younger than what it is. Unfortuneately, it becomes annoying when I look on people's profiles, and it says that they are 18, yet I have to doubt it! Some people, like me, you can tell that they are about 18 because of their skin, and such, but some really take the piss, when they claim to be 18 yet they have the skin of a 50 year old!

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By #358797 at 14,Sep,13 08:34
I've only lied to one person on here about one thing and it wasn't my age. Dude was creepy and wouldn't go away so I told him I was born without lady parts. Lmfao.
By #316255 at 14,Sep,13 17:07
And now he knows the truth!
By #358797 at 14,Sep,13 20:18
He deleted his account shortly after. Lol.

By bigone21 at 14,Sep,13 19:51 other posts of bigone21 
maybe people are to shallow to be real...

By malecall4 at 14,Sep,13 05:40 other posts of malecall4 
i do not lie about my age, i simply do not disclose it

By #59212 at 08,Apr,10 03:42
Dicks don't age

By pifad at 08,Apr,10 03:21 other posts of pifad 
Who cares.

Adult Discussion Forum