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My wife lacks sex desire

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Started by #36477 at 06,May,10 15:04
At the age of 47, she shows lack of libido for sexual intercourse.She complains me of too sexy . At the age of 55, I have maintained my sex drive & want very frequent sex with her.Every time I have to do sex without her involvement. She does not resist but does not show any interest in it. Is it normal ? Or she should be advised some thing ?

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By #358797 at 03,Apr,18 07:48
Maybe she thinks you're ugly.
By #487013 at 04,Apr,18 17:33
That’s probably it. He probably has a small and smelly pecker too.

By leopoldij at 01,Apr,18 06:30 other posts of leopoldij 
One solution is to have sex with a woman whose husband doesn't have high sex drive.
By #485312 at 01,Apr,18 06:56
tell her you will fuck someone else and lm sure you'll see the sparks fly lol, *lix*
By leopoldij at 01,Apr,18 09:08 other posts of leopoldij 
Another thing they should do is watch porn together

By massco at 04,Apr,18 04:24 other posts of massco 
I have tried this and yeah sparks flew alright. Might not try it again.

By Dong69 at 02,Apr,18 13:48 other posts of Dong69 
Or maybe its just a medical problem,just go get her hormone levels checked
By onthelose at 03,Apr,18 03:55 other posts of onthelose 
If that's the case , then there are one hell of a lot of women out there with a medical problem. I don't think so. But I do respect your opinion.
By Dong69 at 03,Apr,18 23:57 other posts of Dong69 
Do not underestimate, the lack of the hormone that gives you that sexual desire, your wife might need a boost, and only a doctor can determine if she is lacking it, this is something that can effect men or a women, once they can determine if this is the case , a doctor will prescribe her the right ammount, then she takes it and your problem is solved ! Get my point🙂

By onthelose at 03,Apr,18 03:51 other posts of onthelose 
My wife never has had a very high sex drive. She once told me that the only reason she ever had sex with me was because her mom said it was her duty as my wife. Now for some men that would have been to much, as sex is the only thing they live for no matter if it ruins their life. I have had many male friends who got divorced because the person they said they loved like no other just wasn't interested in sex. My wife is my best friend and That means a lot more than fantastic sex. That doesn't mean however that I am going to do without sex, just not with her. Cheating , you say I suppose so!!!! Judge if you must but remember let those who are without fault cast the first stone!

By #28707 at 07,May,10 01:49
I would suggest that your wife should talk with her doctor. Help, if wanted, is likely available. If help is not wanted and you both want to have a happy marriage, a counselor for both of you should be consulted.
By #6568 at 07,May,10 06:48
Good post.....

By Darthshame at 01,Apr,18 22:14 other posts of Darthshame 
See a doctor. Women are frisky into their sixties. Might be as simple as diet.

By Walker at 09,May,10 23:10 other posts of Walker 
Sad to say that is very common. I was sad to find that if you have sex once a month of less with your wife, you are classified as being in a sexless marriage. Cooking, laundry, cleaning and taking care of the kids just gave her more time to see friends. She dose not consider emotional friendships with men as a affair. But I am not allowed to have women friends because I would cheat. Most of her friends are men, she stays late at the office or goes drinking with with them. Business trips almost every month cause major disruptions and most she just decides to go on because she had a friend in the other city.
So because I don't pay someone to do the maintenance around the house I don't have time to go spend more money that we don't have she goes by herself and spends her pay check. So I'm sorry to say it is normal.

By #6568 at 07,May,10 06:54
"....I have maintained my sex drive & want very frequent sex.."

...That's great, but have you maintained romance with her?

....I've posted this before but may as well again;...

'A woman needs to feel love to enjoy sex and a man needs to enjoy sex to feel love'

If you look at sex as HER wifely duty and YOUR manly need then, in a modern world, you're going to have problems sooner or later, 'luvmyclit's' post above,...she knows a thing or two!

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