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Have you ever tried to suck your own dick or is possiable

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Started by #5848 at 14,Apr,09 20:45
Tell me can u or have u tried

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By spermkiss at 17,Feb,10 07:03 other posts of spermkiss 
There isn't a man in the world who hasn't tried. From what I've read, about one man in four hundred is limber enough and/or has a long enough dick to actually do it. Look around on this site, there are lots of photos of guys sucking their own dicks.

By #43515 at 27,Dec,09 20:37
First tried to do it at 13, with practice I could get the entire head and a little of the shaft. [ have a small cock] Kept it up untill about 18 or so. Wish I could still do it

By #40627 at 25,Dec,09 04:27
I used to be able to do it easily...but I have to echo many other guys sentiments, age is an equalizing factor. I can get the head in now (more with the wifes help) This is something that really turns heer on so I try to stay flexible and in practice. A lot of stretching helps. But it is very possible, and fun too .gif'>

By #38932 at 23,Dec,09 18:46
I used to be able to lick my dick head when I was 16... but that was hard even then, and stretching that far hurt my neck... :/

By #41483 at 20,Dec,09 00:44
In my teens and early 20's i could get the whole thing in. Unfortunately now i can just like the head. Let's be honest here. if we all could get the whole thing in our mouths we'd never leave the house
By slipper at 20,Dec,09 22:14 other posts of slipper 
"...we'd never leave the house." I could do it outdoors where I live!

By slipper at 20,Dec,09 22:12 other posts of slipper 
Only wish I could! Most who can report it is too uncomfortable to do regularly, but I've seen some exceptions to that--lucky bastards!!!

By Gareth at 04,Jun,09 05:39 other posts of Gareth 
Could lick the end of my cock about 13 years ago, tried recently, can't do it now, like others i'm not that far away.

By #7976 at 04,Jun,09 02:00
OK. When I was a teenager I tried and succeeded. I was in terrific shape from sports and very limber. That was the only time and I couldn't work up the courage to finish but it was a very interesting experience. Now, I can't even bend over far enough to come close. Age has its way of stiffening everything but you cock.

By Olddude at 30,May,09 23:47 other posts of Olddude 
Tried and failed. Wish I could!

By #7976 at 19,Apr,09 23:45
I never had the need personally. There have always been plenty of women who wanted to perform the task for me. If it were possible, I probably would have when I was younger but I was never that flexible.

By #1501 at 19,Apr,09 23:20
Years ago I could just suck the head... not now though!

By #348 at 15,Apr,09 19:14
why should i try it when i got ladies line up to do it...
By #3997 at 16,Apr,09 15:56
its not about why should you, i had people that could do it for me at the time too, but it was just the thought that i felt i could do it and i tried it, and did not get it and never thought about trying it again,

By #3997 at 15,Apr,09 19:01
tried and was able to lick the tip, but never got my mouth around it

By sailor at 15,Apr,09 01:24 other posts of sailor 
Wish I could.

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