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straight guy wants to xperience a cock......HOW

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Started by #43678 at 26,Jul,10 20:30
Are there other staight guys out there who want to xperience touching,wanking even sucking a dick.
And see what it feels like having a guy wank me off or suc me. If you have was it something you think I should try
I think it would be diffrent with a guy and woman.
I'm sniped so I'm curious about how a forskin feels.
Any suggestions on how I can make this happen.??????????

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New Comment

By #87279 at 28,Jul,10 01:20
Having been there and done that ... my suggestion to you is not to find another straight person but to find someone who is bi or gay ... that will work with you and within your limits to show you what you want. If you want to get the true experience - connect with someone that you feel you can trust and learn from their experience. The advantage with experienced individuals is guidance on how to do things the right way the first time - hopefully skipping doing things the wrong way and ruining a beautiful experience! They may show you pleasures that a straight guy never could think of ... or may be willing to risk doing! Think about it ... do you take your car to an experienced mechanic or a new and untrained friend? In the straight world would you go to a virgin to learn more about sex? Well, maybe just because she's a virgin but not cause she has any more knowledge than you do! Ha! ... but remember your first time? Was it truly a totally fabulous experience? Wasn't there some awkwardness, bumbling around, confusion between parties? Weren't you nervous as hell and continuously double guessing yourself wondering whether you were doing it right? Wouldn't it be better to get some gentle guiding, suggestions of things to try, a little direction of what to try, and how best to do it? A gentle understanding and guiding hand will truly give you a great experience that you will enjoy and cherish. It is amazing.

And there is no doubt that there is a huge difference between a man and a woman! No offense to women - but guys just truly give better head!

When my curiosity edged me into my first interest in trying guy to guy stuff, I did the same thing and sought out another inexperienced buddy to try things out with. The problem is that neither of us had a clue what to do, bumbled our way through it , and it wasn't a great experience by any means! And we never talked again! Ha! The result was that I never did anything again for years until I accidentally stumbled into just such a person who guided me and taught me things - and now I do enjoy my experience with both sexes equally! Why restrict yourself to one sex when you can have both ... and so much more fun?

Good luck!
By spermkiss at 28,Jul,10 02:59 other posts of spermkiss 
What great advice!

By sailor at 27,Jul,10 15:21 other posts of sailor 
I'm in the same boat as you. It just tusual, unplanned, but time is running out.I'm looking on craigs list and here taao find a partner. safety and disease are my biggest fears and of course i don't won't to loose a wife either.
I am open to suggestions.

By #87727 at 27,Jul,10 07:21
i think its actually kind of common for men to be intersted in dicks, even if they are straight. the prob is getting him to admit straight(I dont want a romantic relationship with a man) but I would do mutual masterbation or maybe even blowjobs or insertion if I like him, but there has to be trust too(thats my prob...only a few male friends i trust enough,and only one thats local..we've messed around some.)anyway good luck.
By #33070 at 27,Jul,10 13:41
So true everything you say

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