Started by #93465 at 08,Aug,10 16:06
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If a marriage is between two people and a marriage is about love, then who is to say that two men or two women cannot marry.
I can understand the idea of calling the legal union of two guys (or two women) a marriage, but that's just a wasteful game of semantics. Get past the words and accept the fact that two men / women can live a love filled relationship. And they can do so while living faith filled lives.
I dont think that there is much diffence between being straight or gay to be honest....
If you have more than 7 pillows on your bed and the bedroom is pink,,,, you are gay or married
If its cup final day and you are out shopping.... you are gay or married
And if you cant remember the last time you made love to a woman..... you are gay or married!!
No offence to anyone , just having abit of a laugh
...I am a church-going Christian, and think that churches/synagogues/organized religions etc. can do whatever they want concerning the definition of marriage. Actually, so long as it is not doing verifiable, bodily or psychological harm to people, organized religions can do pretty much whatever they want....that's the flip side of separation of church and state. So, if individual religions choose not to marry gay followers, that is sort of their right. Of course, I don't oppose it if they do, and personally wouldn't see any big problem with it if my church started to.
The government is a whole different beast. It is unconstitutional to deny loving homosexual couples the same privileges that marriage affords to straight couples. It's discrimination. Actually, I don't really think that governments should even involve themselves in the "marriage" business-- call them "civil unions" if you like, but recognize EVERY civil union as a civil union, regardless of who is involved, and afford the same rights provided by those civil unions to all.
It baffles me, actually, that some states recognize common law marriages, but not gay marriages. That's not a knock on common-law couples...I'm sure they (for the most part) love and care for one another just as much as any of the other legally married people who decided to jump through the hoops and get it done in a church or synagogue. But c'mon...doesn't it seem like eating your cake and having it too? I mean, religion has no bearing on common law marriages; in the eyes of the Catholic Church for instance, those couples are *not* legally married. But all of the sudden a religious perspective is something that we need to take into account when two men or two women are involved?
I'd like to say that it's a complicated issue, but really, I think that that's a cliche and that it is not. It doesn't hurt me; in fact, it helps to have more people in the "married couple" tax bracket, and-- I would argue-- if anything strengthens our concept of "family" to have more people together and raising kids in loving environments.
It's silly and it grates on me, but as another poster said, times are changing and the era in which gay couples can not be legally married in the eyes of the government fortunately seems to be passing...
Please understand, however, that as a gay man of mature years I have endured more than sixty-seven years of vitriol that is far worse than the names I applied to those who disagree with me on the subject of marriage. And I have suffered violence to my person and damage to my property solely because I'm gay, something I did not choose and over which I have no control.
As to whether same sex unions should be called marriage or perhaps something else, we then then get into the very touchy "separate but equal" territory. Decades of experience with racial segregation have shown that "separate but equal" really was "separate but un-equal". That should help you to understand why full marriage equality is so important to us lesbians and gay men.
People "who have some disagreement" about marriage are actively trying to deny me and my fellow lesbians and gay men our human and civil rights, not just about marriage, but in many aspects of life. And they often resort to violence. As I said in my first post, we are people, citizens and taxpayers. We want our full civil rights. It's time.
First of all, please understand that I am a gay man who is married to another man. My husband and I are one of the 18,000 same sex couples who were married during the five and a half months it was legal here in California. How does our marriage compare with a straight marriage? Not being straight I cannot know exactly, but I don't think that it's "totally different".
We eat meals, wash the dishes, cut the grass, do the laundry, vacuum the rugs, go to concerts and shows, go on vacation, pay our bills and all the other things any other couple does. Alltogether our life is pretty ordinary.
Same sex marriage has very much been in the news this past week with Judge Walker declaring that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. My feeling is that it's impossible to stop an idea whose time has come. And full civil rights for gay men and lesbians, including the right to marry, is very much an idea whose time has come. We're citizens, too, and we pay taxes just like everyone else.
To all the Bible thumpers and Fundamentalist wing-nuts out there, I say just get over it. Same sex marriage is legal in five states, the District of Columbia and numerous foreign countries (including our neighbor to the north, Canada) and the world has not come to an end. Eventually it will be legal nationwide here in the USA.