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Started by sailor at 23,Feb,10 01:52  other posts of sailor
Got a question. My wife once said she could handle a guy that had sex with the opposite sex better than with a guy.
So , I am now a curious "straight" guy. DO I tell her what I want to try, or try it first and if I like it athen tell her. don't want to destroy a marriage. Any suggestions on how to handle this.

Similar topics: 1.Does your spouse know your on SYD/SYC?   2.Open Marriage, rules are open for discussion.   3.Squirting   4.Do you consider chatting without spouse is cheating?   5.What if your spouse has no desire for anything intimate?  

New Comment

By #609044 at 11,Jul,20 00:48
I've told my girl that I've sucked dick before and it was a long time ago I also told her i liked it the taste,feeling,the hardness of another man's hard dick. She likes watching me jack off and wants to see me sucking another man. Damn I wanna do it
By bella! at 11,Jul,20 01:04 other posts of bella! 
Apparently you have the deep desire to indulge in cock and you have an honest relationship with your girl. Having the honest relationship with your girl puts you miles ahead of the other guys that have the desire but are too "embarrassed" to say anything. I, too, have the same desires as your girl, I've enjoyed watching my guy whack off and I, too, would like to watch him engage in MM pleasures while I sit in the corner and finger my clit.

By #545468 at 08,Feb,19 04:38
Some curious guys end up preferring straight sex and never return to gay sex. If you try it and like it then you need to see if you like having sex with a guy or if you are capable of loving a man. The answer to that will tell you what to say to her and when

By leopoldij at 08,Jul,18 07:22 other posts of leopoldij 
First try it and see if you like it. There's no point telling her if you don't like it. If you do, think again. If you can keep herself sexually happy and have your side sex life, see how open she is, by probing her. If you we she's open, tell her. If not, you have to consider your options. It's possible too have a second sex life but it may be hard to keep it a ****.
By #536019 at 08,Jul,18 12:16
Good advice.

By SluttySarah069 at 06,Jul,18 22:31 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I had to admit to my wife that I Cross Dress and am Bi and have had sex with other men - she is not pleased so we tend to ignore what has happened. I'm still Bi and Cross Dress when I can

By #485312 at 03,Jul,18 03:48
do what makes you feel good, don't tell the wife and live a happy life with wifey and your super sexy secret ... unless your wife is an open book and loves watching gay porn, l wouldn't bother her with the details. sometimes its best to keep your secret life to yourself as posing the question will make her curious as to what youre up too.. *Lix*

By #556372 at 01,Jul,18 23:17
I do and I have, however, the outcome is not warranted

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