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How Do You Make A Good Masturbation Machine For Men?

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Started by #95836 at 13,Aug,10 16:43
I have looked at all the web-sites and was wondering if anyone out there had some good ideas on How Do You Make A Good Masturbation Machine For Men?

Similar topics: 1.Venus 2000 masturbation machine   2.Has anyone tried the autoblow machine   3.Cumming with a TENS machine   4.Wanking with a TENS machine   5.Self Esteem/ Masturbation  

New Comment

By stroker11 at 13,Oct,16 10:14 other posts of stroker11 
Teach her to stroke with both hands...in case one gets tired!
By slipper at 16,Oct,16 04:47 other posts of slipper 
Works for me!!!

By leopoldij at 20,Apr,16 07:47 other posts of leopoldij 
Sooner or later, we'll be able to grow body parts in the laboratory. Already, artificial organs have been grown from elementary cells. The day will come when pussies will be grown in the lab. Available for sale at a high cost initially. Courts of law will try to make this **** on ethical grounds, but their attempts will eventually fail. In several decades after that, human pussies will be a commodity for sale at a small price. Men will have finally found a way to trick nature entirely. This will keep going on for a while until it will be realized that it clashes against natural selection and results into an initially imperceptible, yet noticeable, decline of our species, in numbers and health. In panic, the United nations and WHO will ban pussy growing in the lab. But it'll be large because 3d printers, available at everyone's home by that time, will be doing the job , with only cheap organic material as a printer, at little cost. The rest of the story is not so easy to predict, but doesn't sound that pretty.
--------------------------------------- added after 23 seconds

*** = I'll.egal
By #208346 at 14,Oct,16 09:32
You've put wayyyyy too much thought into this.
By leopoldij at 14,Oct,16 18:25 other posts of leopoldij 
And why do you laugh? Thinking is free and easy.

By xxx25 at 13,Oct,16 08:40 other posts of xxx25 

[deleted image]

By #485312 at 13,Oct,16 03:20
only registered users can see external links
l like the look of that warm apple pie...hot wet and lumpy lol, *lix*

By leopoldij at 16,Apr,16 12:42 other posts of leopoldij 
Get a real pussy!
By #497672 at 06,Oct,16 13:14

By kebmo at 03,Oct,16 11:03 other posts of kebmo 
Mine is at the end of my right arm. Always there, convenient, no prep required and no clean up.

By xxx25 at 06,Jan,13 14:28 other posts of xxx25 
[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By #476910 at 15,May,16 19:25
I tried fleshlight for a while but it turned me off. Too artificial too much effort oiling it up, cleaning it afterwards.

By #301038 at 10,Feb,13 14:56
No matter how good the machine is, it's never going to be as good as a real person. But if one wants to replicate the pressure and the movement at home, without paying a whole lot of money for it, there is a way. I was thinking about converting my Chi Swing Master ( you can find it on eBay for 60-70 bucks) into a fucking machine. It moves from side to side with just the right amplitude to push a dildo in and out...and it has a speed controller. So, all what you would have to do is to strap a flash light to it and it will jerk your dick... As far as a pressure goes, how about placing a ballon inside of a flashlight, behind the walls, or sponges, with a tube and a hand held pump, just like in the old style bloоd pressure measuring sleeve... In fact, you can probably use a small size sleeve and insert it in the flashlight....you can also add a vibrating bullet inside, a tiny one or the bigger one with a controller

With this little contraption, you'd have control over pressure, speed and vibration for under $150, maybe even cheaper if you can find most of those things at home, already...
By #496814 at 16,Apr,16 17:27
Thanks! I will keep that option in mind when I grow tired of my right hand and have no girl for a while

By #486048 at 16,Apr,16 12:32
the best masterbater is the hose on a hoover turned on very nice.its better with a foreskin thought.would recommend it to any one.

By #166058 at 10,Feb,13 12:45
look on the tenga website ....my favourite toy to use is an estim machine..perfecr hands free huge cumshots and amazing orgasms every time

By #289712 at 10,Feb,13 05:01
My favourite masturbation machine is my right hand

By #82616 at 23,Aug,10 14:03
Find a woman or man that will stay on his\her knees all day

By #6568 at 22,Aug,10 13:20
I have to admit that since this topic came up here I have been giving it some thought especially while driving late at night (when I do most of my creative thinking)... Several ideas have come to mind and some would seem to offer better possibilities than many of the commercial machines on the market. I think I have also identified some of the potential problems too..... many men like specific movement or a particular method of being stimulated,...For example, there is a large difference in the amounts of pressure that men prefer. A machine one designed t work well for oneself may seem dysmal to the next man, and vice versa......

....One way around this sort of problem is to employ software control of electical devices and for the said software to offer a wide variation (or even randomness) to the machines action.......The 'Arduino' open source microcontroller comes to mind here.....

There is online, at least one account of someone trying to give randomness to the stroke of the venus 2000 and it proved to be very difficult mechanically.....with the right software/electronics it would be very simple and very versatile too. Presumably the makers (if they have any sense) are looking at this now for their next model!
By #95836 at 22,Aug,10 14:15
Thank you oldbugle for all of your comments, but I think you may be getting a bit ahead of me.

I was only after some type of wanking device that would be easy to make without having too much building, i.e. something one could put together from the normal items laying around the home, not going out to buy expensive equipment and have a degree in engineering to build it.

I hope you don't think I am having a go at you, I AM NOT, I was just asking for a simple answer to a simple question.
I am willing to read any suggestions that people leave on this page, and I must say that yours are the most intelligent ones to appear, although a little to technical.
By #6568 at 22,Aug,10 16:38
No, I DO understand where you're coming from and you are right; simple stuff that's effective would be of great interest. One of the problems is that, when you really look at it, it is deceptively simple to just want a simple device that does the trick, but it's quite a complicated set of requirements in that all men are different in their likes, dislikes and physiogonmy etc.......

.......Try to tie down your exact needs,...ie, just the glans to be stimulated,...foreskin to be moved,....use of your hands allowed,....movement by other than hands needed,...etc etc

When a woman who is clever brings a man off she uses all of her attributes and abilities,...she rubs the glans with a ring of her thumb and forefinger,..she cleverly works the foreskin,..she softly fingers the bare glans, or uses her lips and tongue...while all of that's going on she squeezes the base, cups the balls and softly strokes underneath them........

.......What would you most like to 'synthesize'...??

By #6568 at 19,Aug,10 16:30
OK,...I'll give this a try....

It does seem to me that the 'venus 2000' machine has got it sewn up,..albeit quite expensively. the basic idea is well thought out and well and elegantly executed. With the rise in availability of radio controlled model cars there are now many suitable components to choose from if you wanted to make up your own venus type machine and needed small high powered electric motors and gearboxes etc,.. you could probably build in some specific improvements for ones own likes and dislikes. I've not had direct experience of the venus machine but I think it might not work too well for me personally since I have a curved shaft and a large taper between base and head,.....venus looks best for men with a straight shaft.

So, next,....we can discount vibrators since they have got much better and are available in all shapes and sizes etc but have their own set of problems,...if you wanted a vibration device you would hardly have asked your question!

Presumably, atificial vaginas are out for the same reasons as vibes,...there are lots already and require the man to thrust etc, thus giving a different experience to being brought to climax manually...

That leaves us with machines that stimulate the penis with friction/movement and are NOT venus type devices..... I think I would start by looking at an 'articulated arm' device,..something like a small anglepoise lamp having a powered elbow. The machine could have interchangeable bases,..namely a collar to fit aroud the base of the penis,..a clamp to fit onto a table (of the right height) and a flat plate that the man can sit on to anchor the machine while the articualted arm does it's stuff between his splayed thighs. the machine would have to be electically driven.

Finally what about a small robot arm device with suitable attachment,.....software could be voice activated to lenghten or shorten the stroke etc
By #95836 at 19,Aug,10 17:17
You sound like you have given this a lot of thought.

But I was looking for something a little bit less technical as I do not have access to a workshop.

Just something to make it feel like someone else was doing it would be nice. Something that is easy to make and works well, it could have some type of vibration device attached or not.

But you have come up with some very good idea's that sound interesting and I will include them in my design should I ever start to build said device.
By #6568 at 19,Aug,10 17:44
Well a very simple idea is the item called a 'monkey spanker'....you can find it on line. Basically, it represents a tea strainer with, instead of the mesh, a soft plastic diaphragm that has a central opening for the head of the penis,..like a 'sphincter'.... It is utterly simple but has two things about it of interest, namely it's low cost, and secondly it's handle which would enable it to be clamped onto a table so that the penis could thrust thru it. as such it could be interesting because thrusting is someimes a powerful need for a virile man!

By #30712 at 16,Aug,10 05:45
the higher power already made the two best machines..
By #6568 at 18,Aug,10 11:50
Yes, but with respect, they are not machines made by the hand of man.....which was the point of the question.

.....It seems to me that the OP asked an interesting question that is of interest to many people on this site so it's a pity that it has not received intelligent consideration, only largely fatuous answers.....

By pifad at 17,Aug,10 00:33 other posts of pifad 
Call me!

By #80137 at 16,Aug,10 12:52

By #82241 at 15,Aug,10 20:27
Waiting patiently for an android robot with a mouth specially constructed for the ultimate blowjob.
By #6568 at 15,Aug,10 21:15
There are several companies in both the US and Japan already making extremely lifelike machines for sex. I saw a TV documentary recently about them. Personally, I found the 'dolls' to be a touch creepy because they were so apparently lifelike but without any naturalness.....

.....Several companies around the world are currently engaged is combining software with sextoys of various types to create a much wider experience than just a vibrator in a fake vagina.

By #6568 at 13,Aug,10 19:21
Take a look at the 'Venus 2000'

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