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Started by sailor at 07,May,09 19:42  other posts of sailor
I was wondering, how many guys considering themselves straight or maybe bi, who never sucked a cock before got the urge to try it say when you got to bea 60 years old or more?
And if you did it , your comments.

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By #37683 at 05,Dec,09 09:14
Completely straight here. But I do want to see what it is like to have a dick in my mouth at least once. Have had mine sucked off by a guy one time.

By #14530 at 11,Jun,09 15:47
I am a much younger guy, 46. I find myself wondering what it would be like to suck a cock. I think I would like to jerk someone off too, or maybe just touch one. I just started getting these urges about 2 months ago. I have always been straight.
By love-penis at 17,Oct,09 13:47 other posts of love-penis 
I've had one sexual encounter w/another man 20yrs ago, it was oral only, and i have to say it was one of the BEST blow jobs i ever got, i did suck on his dick and it was a great feel'n, niether one of us came tho, think i was to scared, that's why i didn't cum, anyway i do love look'n at mens cock pics, the male cock is a sexy thing, i would love 2 and hope2 some day 2 do it again, i want to taste a mans cock & cum in my mouth, but this is a very secret life 4me, i am 47

By Thumper52 at 15,Oct,09 01:12 other posts of Thumper52 
Well, I guess you could just call me a "cocksucker", cause I sucked my first cock at age 7 and haven't stopped since, I'm now age 58 and still cant get enough! (COCK WHORE)

Every guy's cock is different and unique: foreskin or cut, short, long, fat, shaved, hairy, snug balls or big swinging low hangers. Never met a cock I haven't love to suck and cum down my throat. But "dirty dick" is a nasty thing and I stop at first whiff of funk.

I took my first load down my throat at 13 and can't get enough. Something about the power of hot fluid cum shooting into the back of your throat that blows my mind.

I've even taught a few of my "girlfriends" how to give great head to their boyfriends.

With a cock down my throat and balls slappin my chin, I'm a very happy, well adjusted gay man!


By sailor at 14,Oct,09 22:27 other posts of sailor 
good thinking Pecan. Unless you both agree on outside sex ,the consequences are not worth it. Hope you do enjoy each other though.

By sailor at 20,Aug,09 14:00 other posts of sailor 

By #6437 at 20,Aug,09 11:10
I am married and have sucked about 30 cocks and LOVE it!!!!
I like pussy but love cocks more

By sailor at 11,Jun,09 18:26 other posts of sailor 
Forgot to add, I like came in 2 minutes.

By sailor at 11,Jun,09 16:57 other posts of sailor 
I've been straight also. GOt touched once on a nude beach about 30 yrs ago. Never forgot it. Obviousliy. and it never happened again. It was exciting.

By sailor at 04,Jun,09 18:52 other posts of sailor 
Great answer. Thank you.

By #7976 at 02,Jun,09 22:44
I'm a child of 57 so I haven't actually reached the Golden age of 60 yet. I don't think it's a matter of getting to a certain age and having a sudden urge to suck a cock or to do anything else for that matter. In my opinion, this urge is not a middle age crises. Curiosity about all things sexual have a time and place. Some come early in life and other later. As for me, I tried it early and it was interesting but not habit forming. What it did do is add to my sexual experience and teach me things about pleasuring a cock, or more to the point, pleasuring my cock. My advice is that you have the need to know, find a comfortable partner and give it a try. Weather it becomes a lifelong passion to continue is up to you and your curiosity will be satisfied. Otherwise, the desire can lead to some good fantasies and this site provides a lot of psychosexual stimulation to heighten your interest. Either way, I don't think the desire to try something new and perhaps out of your lifetime comfort zone is unusual or unnatural.

By Olddude at 01,Jun,09 21:29 other posts of Olddude 
I have never sucked one either. I am married also, but I think I would like try it at least once!

By lilsoftee at 30,May,09 05:52 other posts of lilsoftee 
I got the urge about 5 or 6 years ago, I'm 54 now! I'm also happily married and have never tried it. The urge keeps getting stronger and stronger though and I visit sites like these all of the time to see all of the nice cocks and balls out there. I eat my own cum as often as I can and would really like to experience sucking a cock and tasting cum from another man.

By sailor at 07,May,09 22:05 other posts of sailor 
I never sucked a cock yet. I.m married and that's good. But I find myself getting curious.

By sailor at 07,May,09 21:50 other posts of sailor 
I'm 65, and some of these dicks are lookin pretty good. So are the pussys.

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