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Started by #96728 at 30,Aug,10 15:21
What makes a good blog in your opinion?

Similar topics: 1.Does anyone actually use their blog on this site?   2.Male Sex toy   3.Story section   4.Read my Blog please then answer WOMEN does girth matter that much?   5.My first Blog on SYD  

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By #485312 at 14,May,15 12:44
one that's worth reading, story of actual events, fantasies, factual information about the user, their likes and dislikes, its a sex site so it should mainly relate to things that are sexy, naked, kinky or in the interest of getting laid...l don't like reading about personal problems that should be discussed with your shrink, this isn't the place to get relationship problems solved or marriage councelling, we don't want to put them overpaid docs out of business...*lix*
By #497509 at 14,Sep,15 03:01
I agree with you. We must try to make this site more sexy because we are here to communicate and talk sex and sex related items.

By #198522 at 07,Oct,14 17:12
how do you remove stuff from your blog ?
By #358797 at 07,Oct,14 17:43
Click the blog to open it, click edit beside the title, and check delete beside submit...
By leopoldij at 07,Oct,14 22:22 other posts of leopoldij 
Thanks Darling. You answered my question again. Besides being the sexiest, you're the smartest member of this site.
By bella! at 07,Oct,14 22:45 other posts of bella! 
But the male candidate that gets my two thumbs up is JustWill. The first thumbs up ( ) is because he is so damn smart. Just ask him anything and he always has the answer. I'm sure he's smart, unless he's been dazzling me with bullshit all this time! The second thumbs up ( ) because he's so witty and the Master of Sarcasm.

By #59855 at 30,Aug,10 21:55
From Matt's Wife: I would say one that is inclusive, thereis nothing worse than having someone respond to a blog and then seeing someone say that the response is flat out not welcome, that is not what this site is about!
Ok off of my pedestal.

By #6568 at 30,Aug,10 15:47
Keeping it varied,..keeping it interesting....and only blogging stuff that the reader can relate too.......So, if you are planning a 'sex blog' keep telling us men what you find exciting and why mixed in with general observations about your sex life etc.....add some posts that are non-sexual too....

....Thge theres the stuff that women readers find interesting!!

One things for sure;...there's a lot of very boring blogs out there.... so, the prognosis for succes is vey good from what I'vwe seen of your posts here!

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