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I sucked off the husband of one of my wife's coworkers!

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Started by #102492 at 17,Sep,10 15:51
I placed an ad on Craigslist as a married(mwm) cocksucker. The husband of one of my wife's friends and a coworker answered my ad and when he showed up at my door I didn't know what to say. He still wanted me to get on my knees and suck his cock. I sucked him off. We have seen them socially before and since. He always finds a way to isolate me even when our wifes are around and I continiue to suck his cock. He is discreet but has told one guy friend and now I suck his cock also. Has anyone had a experience like this?

Similar topics: 1.How did you chose your wife?   2.How often do you get your dick sucked, and how often do you cum from being sucked?   3." I tell my wife to ... "   4.First DP "words of advice please and info please"   5.Me my wifw and her lover  

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By #294596 at 09,May,14 03:49
Went to a public bathroom that was known for being cruisy. Guy in the other stall tapped his foot so I reached under the stall and he put this big, beautiful cock in my hand (8"x6"). I just had to taste it so I whispered that I wanted to suck it. He whispered back and invited me over. When I went in his stall we were both shocked. We had known each other since high school. There were a few nervous seconds where I think we both considered running, then I looked down and saw that big dick throbbing and lust took over and I dropped to my knees and inhaled it. That was 9 years ago. I have been his personal, on-call cocksucker every since and I couldn't be happier.

On several occasions he has showed up at my house to get sucked off and brought a friend or texted me to come to his house and service him and when I arrived he had a friend waiting to get serviced too. As much as I love sucking his delicious big cock, I love him sharing my mouth with his friends even more.

I get very turned on that he doesn't even mention the other guy to me. He just invites the guy along to get sucked off with the knowledge that I will suck any dick that is put in front of me. So far I have serviced 3 of his friends and he has taken video and pictures while I sucked them off.

By #299180 at 13,Dec,12 19:46
Damn where I can I find men like this that just want to be blown?!?!!
By Arlo at 05,May,14 20:54 other posts of Arlo 
me too

By #340774 at 04,May,14 19:42
That's a pretty sexy story. It has sex, danger, women, men and blowjobs!

By #220845 at 13,Dec,12 19:01

By #113423 at 13,Nov,10 12:56
Oui un jour un ami de ma femme ma suc? devant elle
By #23212 at 13,Nov,10 23:04

By #3997 at 13,Nov,10 22:25
Damn pretty cool now if you get the wives in that would be even better

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