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Ability to Self-Suck

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Started by #50169 at 26,Sep,10 06:17
Every guy at one point or another in his life has attempted go down on himself, usually to find his efforts futile and quite painful.

Given that I recently tried as a proof of concept and found I could get my lips around the head partially (an odd experience to say the least), I wonder what percentage of men out there can do it?

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New Comment

By #181785 at 23,Sep,14 05:27
I could get all 6in down when I was young

By bigone21 at 17,Sep,14 20:58 other posts of bigone21 
at 50 (yeah, i **** to get old, but hey) i can still do it!

By 3fdfd at 17,Sep,14 12:41 other posts of 3fdfd 
nope - I can't do it - never could. Maybe my cock's too small ? Any guys with small cocks - say 5" or less - who can suck their own cock ?

By #64328 at 08,Jan,11 19:43
I have to admit I did as a kid and even showed my best friend....But im not nearly that flexible any more. I always wondered have many have tried

By #55518 at 06,Dec,10 12:32
been doing it since 15 ,am now 50 and still at it
[deleted image]
By #5423 at 07,Jan,11 21:07
You have the advantage of a beautiful long dick!!!!

By smokieb69 at 06,Dec,10 08:08 other posts of smokieb69 
showed my g/f the other day that I could reach my cock. was just a quick "accidental" stretch and a casual mention "hey, look at this - I can lick my own cock head" I think she will ask for a proper demonstration soon

By #121996 at 03,Dec,10 01:16
it's just a matter of gradually making your self more and more flexible until you can do it, i've been working on it and have gotten 3 inches closer in a bit over a week

By smokieb69 at 29,Nov,10 19:43 other posts of smokieb69 
i love sucking my own cock - pics and and a movie in my profile

By #45410 at 26,Sep,10 18:39
yes. a matter of focus

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