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Started by #275407 at 16,Mar,20 04:29
I just got my verifying ability revoked by admin. I always made the person who I was verifying make a picture of themselves with the date and my name on it b4 I verified them, this is bullshit. Admin is wrong to take my ability of verification away. So as of April first, I will be deleting my account and leaving this site for good with no return. It's the point of the matter, not how much it matters.

Similar topics: 1.Verifying Fakes   2.Verification   3.Verification Misconception…   4.Verifying Members  

New Comment

By #551147 at 17,Mar,20 14:00
Perhaps the ability to participate in the "abuse panel" should be thinned out by making it to where ONLY "verified" members can make these decisions.
By Sir-Skittles at 17,Mar,20 14:05 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Good idea... those grubs that no one has ever heard of that all voted... should be removed from the panel...
By #551147 at 17,Mar,20 14:08
Well, I got the idea cause I've noticed a bunch of nobodies just slapping a "DELETE" with no comment's. And now this bullshit with many of you, let's thin the heard a lil bit with more rational people.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

BTW I know it's not really that serious, but, I keep a copy of the images of those I've verified. LMAO 😄😆🤣😂

By Sir-Skittles at 16,Mar,20 19:29 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
All good Cody... you should be fixed up.

By mr_blue at 16,Mar,20 17:14 other posts of mr_blue 
This is for admin, normally I would pm you,but this needs to be public.....

Wtf is up with verified members losing their verification privilege? I know if you verify a fake and that account is deleted,those who verified that account lose verification rights...

But those people didn't verify a fake....that member was deleted by the panel for shit reasons,and even better four of those accounts have no verification of their own.

So basically verification doesn't mean shit....cuz those without it can delete a verified member....

Taking a screenshot is not grounds for deletion.....
One of the panel who voted to delete has screenshots are those who voted to delete gonna vote to delete themselves...?

Admin,can you sort this out please?
By Sir-Skittles at 16,Mar,20 17:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By phart at 16,Mar,20 14:39 other posts of phart 
I don't fully understand the process and such but yea, there is getting to be alot of fake members on here that are just raking thru the rocks,making noise and threats and so forth.Why not sweep out the trash instead of messing things up for the long term members that actully contribute to the site?

By Sir-Skittles at 16,Mar,20 14:11 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
[deleted image]

You can all thank the current king here for losing your ability to verify...

Think it is time for him to start losing his subs...

By Sir-Skittles at 16,Mar,20 12:53 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I lost mine as well....

I messaged Admin to ask what is going on...

By #415059 at 16,Mar,20 11:51
I hope you stay, please reconsider. Your pics are amazing and I'm sure turn on so many more besides me

By #569341 at 16,Mar,20 04:59
Yeah, i looked at my list for the first time in months and saw that you and a couple of other friends had fallen off my ✅list. You are very discerning, Codes. Whatever the reason was, i testify on your behalf that revoking your verifying ability is harsh. Let me go check if i can still verify... I can

By #574505 at 16,Mar,20 04:47
it happen to me too we see if s he fix it

Adult Discussion Forum