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Started by #104696 at 29,Sep,10 01:29
i would like to hear from people who do kinky things or have done in the passed.i am very very open mined.

Similar topics: i bi or just kinky?   2.if you watched me close up on webcam   3.Tell me about the kinky side of the Sunshine State (FL)   4.Really kinky young guys   5.Kinky pics & kinky stories/thoughts  

New Comment

By #136427 at 26,Jul,13 11:42
My wife when the mood takes her wears a strap on and pounds my ass till I cum all over myself without touching my cock. Then she makes me eat my cum. Is that kinky enough?
By #412225 at 31,Aug,13 22:55
you are lucky, I want to do that,

By #6437 at 06,Aug,13 10:30
I like to jackoff in a condom and then take it and put it over a dildo cock and suck. Just when im ready to cum again i bite a hole in it and eat the cum just like a guy shooting his load mmmmmmmmm
By #23212 at 08,Aug,13 01:28
Very creative!

By Bendy at 04,Aug,13 01:48 other posts of Bendy 
. I love having it bent all over and having a woman sit on it and laugh when it collapses

By #384280 at 27,Jul,13 19:06
I like rimming and watersports when it comes to kink.

By #23212 at 29,Sep,10 05:32
What do you want to hear?
By #104696 at 29,Sep,10 05:49
any & every thing kinky
By #23212 at 29,Sep,10 05:58
OK, a first test: You pee in my GF's bum, then suck all the pee out, and then share it. If you pass this, then on to further 'stuff'. OK?
By MoeJoe at 02,Oct,10 09:11 other posts of MoeJoe 
What's the further "stuff" ??
By #23212 at 03,Oct,10 23:54
Are you 2 guys asking & "waiting" for more 'kink' from me, a kindly, sweet, Canadian??
--------------------------------------- added after 24599 hours

Hmmm, I guess the word, 'Canadian' was too kinky for them to reply?
--------------------------------------- added after 24599 hours

Hey, I think I got a new record here: '24599 hours'!!
By bella! at 26,Jul,13 02:15 other posts of bella! 
Uhh.......that's interesting! You added an additional comment after 24,599 hours!? 24 hours in a day makes that "almost" 1,025 days later. 365 days in one year makes that 2 years and "almost" 10 months later based on a 30 day month.
By #302468 at 26,Jul,13 03:02
Bella you replyd to that post almost 3 years later
By #23212 at 26,Jul,13 03:04
Nope, only about one day.

By #23212 at 26,Jul,13 03:03
Yes bella!, I added the comments here about 2 days ago, to my original 3 Oct, 2010 comment! Sure is strange!

By #409443 at 26,Jul,13 01:07
Covering yourself with oil, pissing in your mouth and sitting on a BIG dildo while filming it to show your wife!
By #23212 at 26,Jul,13 01:12
While I h a t e oil on me, the rest has been long ago done. Have you done this?

By #408904 at 23,Jul,13 05:47
Fucked a guy with a toy.
By #23212 at 24,Jul,13 23:09
Not very 'kinky', IMHO. Closer would be making him suck on it a few times while doing it to him.
By #303133 at 25,Jul,13 12:34
That depends on what the "toy" is. Fucking a guy with a Batman action figure or an Easy-Bake Oven is pretty kinky...
By #23212 at 25,Jul,13 19:50
Please send photo of "Easy-Bake OvenĀ®" Strap-0n.

By #201583 at 25,Jul,13 15:30
Try a double ended 18" dildo. Get on your backs, slide in close to each other. It works well for male and female, and male on male. It's one hell of a hot mutual masturbation session. Add a third person to work the dildo instead of mutual rocking. They can nibble pack and forth and control the speed of orgasms.
By #23212 at 25,Jul,13 19:50

By Bendy at 23,Jul,13 04:53 other posts of Bendy 
I love when women tease me by flexing it andbending around... And hearing them laugh and tell me how flimsy my boner is compared to other men

By #101402 at 03,Oct,10 22:48
Kinky enough.. taken today
[deleted image]

By #88663 at 02,Oct,10 14:40
How about my girlfriend puting a butt plug in my ass and making me wear it to dinner at her parents house? Is that kinky? I was so nervious

By #29033 at 01,Oct,10 13:14
I like it when my girlfriend fucks my arse with her dildo while she sits on my face and sucks my cock.

By #9413 at 29,Sep,10 19:09
I like to sniff bottoms, then lick them.
By #73083 at 29,Sep,10 23:24
Don't just sniff and lick them! Put your tongue up in there as far as you can! Same with your nose, put it up there as far as you can, and inhale deeply!
By #23212 at 29,Sep,10 23:40
My tongue goes way further into bottoms, and into pussies, when they sit down on my face--one of my favourites!

By spermkiss at 29,Sep,10 18:31 other posts of spermkiss 
Is public sex kinky? Dozens of times I've had sex at nude beaches, sometimes when there were people on neighboring beach towels just a few feet away. Or on a park bench after dark when there were people sitting at the other end of the bench and chatting. Or on stage at a park bandstand on a rainy summer night with cars driving by just a few hundred feet away. (Seasongood Pavilion in Eden Park in Cincinnati for those familiar with that city.)

By freakyfrenchie at 29,Sep,10 18:16 other posts of freakyfrenchie 
kinky is when it arouses your brains first

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