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Am i small?

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Started by #62823 at 27,Oct,10 22:52
what do you think? please comment. and maybe favorite

Similar topics: 1.under 35yrs old with small penises or likes small penise....   2.Small Penis Wannabes??   3.Small boyfriend?   4.Do small or short guys have small dicks ?   5.Are some asses naturally so tight that it's impossible to have fun ass fucking?  

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By hytiger at 01,Nov,10 20:02 other posts of hytiger 
I'm sure you've measured it more than once, so you already know whether you are smaller than average.
This, once again, is a pointless question to ask!

By #82241 at 28,Oct,10 00:59
I really like it! And yeah, it's on the small side... just the way I like them.

Have you considered trimming (or shaving) your hair? That would make your cock look fantastic.
By spermkiss at 28,Oct,10 01:01 other posts of spermkiss 
I agree. A shave and a haircut would be a nice touch. By the way, are your balls naturally hairless?
By #62823 at 30,Oct,10 04:41
I don't shave them much, so yeah probably
By spermkiss at 30,Oct,10 22:06 other posts of spermkiss 
Interesting. Are you Asian/Pacific Islander or Latino? In your photos it looks as though you might be. It has been my experience that many, perhaps most, Asian/PI men have naturally hairless balls. Also a substantial number of Latino men have naturally hairless balls. I've been with men of all races and as you might guess, I'm an equal opporetunity cocksucker.

By pifad at 30,Oct,10 05:22 other posts of pifad 
You're not small. And I like the hair

By #81191 at 28,Oct,10 09:12
looks quite normal to me hoping that helps to let you wank in full satisfaction. Am waiting for someone to ask if their dick is too big
By hstick at 28,Oct,10 10:06 other posts of hstick 
It actually does.

Do you think mine is too big?

By hstick at 28,Oct,10 09:04 other posts of hstick 
What about me?

By spermkiss at 28,Oct,10 00:58 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, when you are hard you might be slightly smaller that average. And I do emphasize the word "slightly" in that sentence because your are definately in the normal range. And your dick is certainly big enough to get the job done. It would be a nice satisfying mouthful without triggering a gag reflex when taken all the way in.

But putting all considerations of size aside, you have a stunningly beautiful penis. Perfect shape and perfect proportion. I've said this numerous times before, but it bears repeating: Shape and proportion are far more important than size. And you excel in these qualities. Be proud of your penis.
By spermkiss at 28,Oct,10 00:59 other posts of spermkiss 
And you have a lovely ass, too!

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